首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows Fed Varying Amounts of Soyhulls as a Replacement for Corn Grain

Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows Fed Varying Amounts of Soyhulls as a Replacement for Corn Grain


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Fifteen multiparous Holstein cows averaging 112 d in milk were used in a replicated 5 x 5 Latin square to evaluate the incremental substitution of soyhulls for corn in the diet. Diets contained 23% alfalfa silage, 23% corn silage, and 54% concentrate on a dry matter basis. Pelleted soyhulls replaced corn in the concentrate to supply 0, 10, 20, 30, or 40% of the dietary dry matter. Dry matter intake decreased linearly as soyhulls replaced corn in the diet, but the major decrease in dry matter intake occurred when soyhulls provided 30 and 40% of the dietary dry matter. Intakes of both acid and neutral detergent fiber increased linearly as soyhulls increased from 0 to 40% of dietary dry matter. Production of milk tended to decrease when soyhulls supplied 40% of the dietary dry matter. Production of 3.5% fat-corrected milk, milk crude protein percentage and yield, milk urea N, and total solids yield were not affected by treatments. Production of true protein, but not percentage, tended to decrease by about 5% when soyhulls supplied 40% of the dietary dry matter. Increasing the percentage of soyhulls in the dietary dry matter increased linearly milk fat content and yield, and total solids content in milk. These data suggest that soyhulls can successfully supply up to about 30% of the dry matter intake of midlactation cows without depressing animal performance. Furthermore, replacing part of the corn with soyhulls in high grain diets may be viable when milk fat has a high monetary value or when soyhulls can be purchased at a more competitive price than grains on a nutrient content basis.
机译:在复制的5 x 5拉丁方格中使用15头平均产奶量为112 d的荷斯坦奶牛,以评估日粮中大豆皮对玉米的增量替代。日粮包含23%的苜蓿青贮饲料,23%的玉米青贮饲料和54%的干物质浓缩饲料。粒状大豆皮代替了浓缩物中的玉米,可提供0、10、20、30或40%的饮食干物质。随着豆粕替代日粮中的玉米,干物质摄入量呈线性下降,但是当豆粕提供膳食干物质的30%和40%时,干物质摄入量的主要减少发生了。酸性和中性洗涤剂纤维的摄入量随着豆壳从饮食干物质的0%增加到40%而线性增加。当豆粕提供了饮食干物质的40%时,牛奶的产量往往会下降。 3.5%校正脂肪的牛奶的产量,牛奶粗蛋白的百分比和产量,牛奶尿素氮和总固体产量不受处理的影响。当大豆皮提供了饮食干物质的40%时,真正蛋白质的产量(而不是百分比)趋于下降约5%。日粮干物质中豆粕百分比的增加线性增加了牛奶中的脂肪含量和产量,以及牛奶中的总固体含量。这些数据表明,在不影响动物生产性能的情况下,豆类可以成功地提供多达30%的哺乳期干物质摄入量。此外,在牛奶脂肪具有较高的货币价值或以营养成分为基础以比谷物更具竞争力的价格购买大豆时,在高谷物饮食中用大豆皮代替部分玉米可能是可行的。



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