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Dairy cattle culling patterns, explanations, and implications.


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Culling patterns in the Upper Midwest and Northeast regions were examined from Dairy Herd Improvement records from 1993 through 1999. There were 7 087 699 individual cow lactation observations of which 1 458 936 were complete. A probit regression model was used to determine how individual cow and herd characteristics affected the likelihood of a cow being culled. The model predicted whether individual cows were culled each month. With a combination of observable cow and herd characteristics, as well as variables to capture state, year, and farm effects, the model was able to explain, with a 79.5 and 79.9% accuracy rate, individual cow cull decisions in the Upper Midwest and Northeast regions, respectively. Summer (-11.5% in the Upper Midwest; -6.4% in the Northeast) and fall (-18.7% in the Upper Midwest; -7.9% in the Northeast) calving vs. spring calving, higher than average milk production (-1.7% per hundredweight in the Upper Midwest; -0.5% in the Northeast), higher than average protein content (-0.2% per additional percentage milk protein in the Upper Midwest; -0.1% in the Northeast), higher milk production persistency (-2.1% per additional percent persistent in the Upper Midwest; -1.8% in the Northeast), and expansion (during the early years following the expansion) were associated with a reduced likelihood of a cow being culled. Lower than average fat content (0.04% per additional percentage butterfat in the Upper Midwest; 0.02% in the Northeast), and higher than average somatic cell count (8.8% for each unit increase in somatic cell count score in the Upper Midwest; 7.8% in the Northeast) were associated with an increased likelihood of a cow being culled. The study results are useful in describing patterns of culling and relating them to cow, herd, geographic, and time variables and can act as a benchmark for producers..
机译:从1993年至1999年的奶牛场改良记录中,对中西部和东北部地区的剔除模式进行了检查。共有708799头个体母牛泌乳观察结果,其中1458936头已经完成。概率回归模型用于确定个体母牛和畜群特性如何影响母牛被淘汰的可能性。该模型可以预测是否每个月都会淘汰一头母牛。结合可观察的牛群特征,以及捕获状态,年份和农场影响的变量,该模型能够以79.5%和79.9%的准确率解释中西部和东北部的个体牛淘汰决定地区。夏季(春季中产)产犊(中西部地区-11.5%;东北部-6.4%)和秋季(中西部地区-18.7%;东北部-7.9%),高于平均产奶量(-1.7%)中西部地区每英担重量;东北地区为-0.5%),高于平均蛋白质含量(中西部地区每增加百分比乳蛋白为-0.2%;东北地区为-0.1%),牛奶产量持续性较高(-2.1%)在中西部上层地区持续增加的百分比;在东北部地区为-1.8%),以及扩张(扩张之后的最初几年)与减少母牛被淘汰的可能性有关。低于平均脂肪含量(中西部上脂肪每增加百分数为0.04%;东北为0.02%),且高于平均体细胞计数(中西部上体细胞计数分数每增加8.8%; 7.8%在东北地区)与被淘汰的可能性增加有关。该研究结果对于描述剔除模式以及将其与母牛,牛群,地理和时间变量相关联很有用,并可作为生产者的基准。



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