首页> 外文期刊>The journal of criminal law >No More Laissez Faire? Expert Evidence, Rule Changes and Reliability: Can More Effective Training for the Bar and Judiciary Prevent Miscarriages of Justice?

No More Laissez Faire? Expert Evidence, Rule Changes and Reliability: Can More Effective Training for the Bar and Judiciary Prevent Miscarriages of Justice?


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The apparent link between miscarriages of justice in prosecutions involving expert evidence and the level of training provided to the legal profession (the Bar in particular) and the judiciary in respect of such evidence was highlighted in 2005 with the publication of the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Report Expert Evidence on Trial. The Law Commission, in the 2011 Report Expert Evidence in England and Wales subsequently comprehensively addressed the same issue. This article seeks to consider why appropriate training in relation to expert evidence is so necessary and questions whether, in the context of the amendments to what is now Part 19 of the Criminal Procedure Rules (CrimPR 19) and Part 19A of the Criminal Practice Direction (CrimPD 19A), there have been sufficient developments in training to effect a cultural change within the legal profession and ultimately substantially reduce the risk of future miscarriages of justice. Finally, the article debates the nature of required training, arguing that much more detailed training is required than has previously been considered and addresses where this training best sits.
机译:2005年,随着《下议院科学》和《下议院》的发表,人们强调了在涉及专家证据的起诉中流产司法与对法律专业(尤其是律师协会)和司法机构提供的有关此类证据的培训水平之间的明显联系。技术委员会的报告专家证据。法律委员会随后在2011年英格兰和威尔士的报告专家证据中全面解决了同一问题。本文旨在考虑为什么有必要对专家证据进行适当的培训,并质疑在修订现在的《刑事诉讼程序规则》(CrimPR 19)第19部分和《刑事实践指示》第19A部分的情况下( CrimPD 19A),培训方面已经取得了足够的发展,以实现法律界的文化变革,并最终大大降低了未来流产司法的风险。最后,本文对所需培训的性质进行了辩论,认为所需的培训比以前考虑的要多得多,并讨论了该培训的最佳位置。



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