首页> 外文期刊>The journal of criminal law >Discretion to Exclude Hearsay Evidence under s. 126 Criminal Justice Act 2003 R v Drinkwater [2016] EWCA Crim 16

Discretion to Exclude Hearsay Evidence under s. 126 Criminal Justice Act 2003 R v Drinkwater [2016] EWCA Crim 16

机译:根据s裁定排除传闻证据。 126 2003年《刑事司法法》 R v Drinkwater [2016] EWCA Crim 16

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D, the appellant, was convicted of two counts of rape, two of robbery and one of indecent assault. He appealed on the ground that the trial judge should have permitted him to adduce hearsay evidence under s. 116(2)(a) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 rather than excluding the evidence in the exercise of her discretion under s. 126 of the 2003 Act. The case concerned separate brutal attacks on three young women in Berkhamsted on two different occasions in 1984 (the latter incident relating to two victims). The attacks, by a man with a large knife who was wearing a balaclava, took place late at night when the women were walking home. There were striking similarities between the three attacks and the jury had been properly directed that it was entitled to conclude that the same man had committed all of the attacks, the issue being whether D was the man. The main hearsay evidence took the form of a confession made to the police by H, who had died 7 years before D's trial. The confession had not been mechanically recorded and H, who had sought to retract the confession immediately after making it, had refused to sign a statement that had been typed out for him to sign.
机译:上诉人丁被判两项强奸罪,两项抢劫罪和一项in亵罪。他提出上诉的理由是,初审法官应准许他根据s提出传闻证据。根据《 2003年刑事司法法》第116(2)(a)条的规定,而不是根据第16条的规定行使其酌处权时排除证据。 2003年法案第126号。该案涉及1984年在两次不同的场合分别对Berkhamsted的三名年轻妇女的野蛮袭击(后者事件涉及两名受害者)。袭击是由一名戴大刀的男子戴着巴拉克拉法帽进行的,袭击发生在深夜,当时妇女正回家。这三起袭击之间有惊人的相似之处,陪审团被正确指示其有权得出结论,认为同一个人已实施所有袭击,而问题是D是否为该男子。主要的传闻证据是H的认罪形式,H在D的审判之前已去世7年。认罪书没有被机械地记录在案,H在提出认罪书后立即要求撤回认罪书,但拒绝签署供他签字的陈述。



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