首页> 外文期刊>Journal of contemporary European studies >Informal Governance and the Eurozone Crisis

Informal Governance and the Eurozone Crisis


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Europe's sovereign debt crisis has left no doubt that Germany has the ultimate authority in financial matters in the EU. However, between 2009 and 2012 Germany has been unable to safeguard its core objectives, which we define as follows: (1) stabilizing the eurozone; (2) limiting the taxpayers' financial guarantee exposure; and (3) keeping inflation low. This outcome is at odds with the expectation of the informal governance literature that the dominant country will always be able to protect its core interests after overriding the ordinary procedure. We argue that Germany's quandary can be explained by two interrelated factors. First, policymakers were subject to an incentive structure that encouraged crisis mitigation efforts, but not preparedness. This explains Germany's long hesitation before offering any assistance to its partners. Second, once financial guarantees were provided, political disagreements over the sequence of reform steps as well as instruments and conditionality of financial assistance programmes prolonged investor fears of a eurozone breakup, further compromising Germany's interests.
机译:欧洲的主权债务危机无疑使德国在欧盟的金融事务中拥有最终权威。但是,在2009年至2012年之间,德国一直无法维护其核心目标,我们将其定义如下:(1)稳定欧元区; (二)限制纳税人的财务担保敞口; (3)保持低通胀。这一结果与非正式治理文献的预期不一致,即主导国家在推翻普通程序之后将始终能够保护其核心利益。我们认为德国的困境可以用两个相互关联的因素来解释。首先,政策制定者受鼓励鼓励缓解危机的努力的激励机制的约束,但没有做好准备。这解释了德国在向其合作伙伴提供任何援助之前的犹豫。其次,一旦提供了财政担保,就改革步骤的顺序以及财政援助计划的手段和条件的政治分歧延长了投资者对欧元区解体的恐惧,进一步损害了德国的利益。



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