首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Contaminant Hydrology >Uranium removal from groundwater via in situ biostimulation: Field-scale modeling of transport and biological processes

Uranium removal from groundwater via in situ biostimulation: Field-scale modeling of transport and biological processes


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During 2002 and 2003, bioremediation experiments in the unconfined aquifer of the Old Rifle UMTRA field site in western Colorado provided evidence for the immobilization of hexavalent uranium in groundwater by iron-reducing Geobacter sp. stimulated by acetate amendment. As the bioavailable Fe(Ⅲ) terminal electron acceptor was depleted in the zone just downgradient of the acetate injection gallery, sulfate-reducing organisms came to dominate the microbial community. In the present study, we use multicomponent reactive transport modeling to analyze data from the 2002 field experiment to identify the dominant transport and biological processes controlling uranium mobility during biostimulation, and determine field-scale parameters for these modeled processes. The coupled process simulation approach was able to establish a quantitative characterization of the principal flow, transport, and reaction processes based on the 2002 field experiment, that could be applied without modification to describe the 2003 field experiment. Insights gained from this analysis include field-scale estimates of the bioavailable Fe(Ⅲ) mineral threshold for the onset of sulfate reduction, and rates for the Fe(Ⅲ), U(Ⅵ), and sulfate terminal electron accepting processes.
机译:在2002年和2003年期间,在科罗拉多州西部的Old Rifle UMTRA田地的无限制含水层中进行的生物修复实验为还原铁的Geobacter sp。将六价铀固定在地下水中提供了证据。受醋酸盐修正刺激。当生物可利用的Fe(Ⅲ)末端电子受体在乙酸盐注入通道的下降梯度区域中被耗尽时,硫酸盐还原生物逐渐占据了微生物群落的主导地位。在本研究中,我们使用多组分反应性输运模型来分析2002年田间实验的数据,以确定在生物刺激过程中控制铀迁移的主要输运和生物过程,并确定这些建模过程的田间规模参数。耦合的过程模拟方法能够基于2002年的田间试验建立主要流动,运输和反应过程的定量表征,可以不加修饰地用于描述2003年的田间试验。从该分析中获得的见解包括用于硫酸盐还原开始的生物可利用的Fe(Ⅲ)矿物质阈值的现场规模估计,以及Fe(Ⅲ),U(Ⅵ)和硫酸盐末端电子接受过程的速率。



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