首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computer and system sciences >A mobile RFID-based tour system with instant microblogging

A mobile RFID-based tour system with instant microblogging


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The self-guided tour system in a museum or an art gallery usually provides only one-way information to the visitor. The visitor follows a pre-designed route guided by the system and cannot freely choose any exhibit for detail information. This kind of systems lacks an interaction mechanism with the visitor. This research aims at designing an environment that allows the visitor to freely select any interested exhibit and instantly share his/her note or remark about the exhibit with others through the Internet. The information not only can be accessed by other visitors, but also can be broadcasted through microblogging. In the Web 2.0 era, this word-of-mouth effect can be very helpful in promoting the exhibition. This paper presents a prototype system for such an environment. The system is realized by the RFID and mobile technologies. It is also useful in outdoor scenic sites, exhibition shows and even department stores for information sharing and advertisement.
机译:博物馆或美术馆中的自助游系统通常仅向游客提供单程信息。访客遵循系统引导的预先设计的路线,无法自由选择任何展览品以获取详细信息。这种系统缺乏与访客的交互机制。这项研究旨在设计一种环境,使访问者可以自由选择任何感兴趣的展览,并通过Internet与其他人立即分享他/她关于展览的注释或评论。这些信息不仅可以被其他访问者访问,还可以通过微博进行广播。在Web 2.0时代,这种口耳相传的效果对于促进展览会非常有帮助。本文提出了用于这种环境的原型系统。该系统由RFID和移动技术实现。它在户外风景名胜区,展览会甚至百货商店中也非常有用,可以进行信息共享和广告宣传。



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