首页> 外文期刊>Journal of computer security >Improved typings for probabilistic noninterference in a multi-threaded language

Improved typings for probabilistic noninterference in a multi-threaded language


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With the variables of a program classified as L (low, public) or H (high, private), the secure information flow problem is concerned with preventing the program from leaking information from H variables to L variables. In the context of a multi-threaded imperative language with probabilistic scheduling, the goal can be formalized as a probabilistic noninterference property. Previous work identified a type system sufficient to guarantee probabilistic noninterference, but at the cost of severe restrictions to prevent timing leaks - for example, H variables were forbidden in the guards of while loops. Here we present a more permissive type system that allows the running times of threads to depend on the values of H variables, provided that these timing variations cannot affect the values of L variables. The type system gives each command a type of the form τ_1 cmd τ_2; this type says that the command assigns only to variables of level τ_1 (or higher) and has running time that depends only on variables of level τ_2 (or lower). Also it uses types of the form τ cmd n for commands that terminate in exactly n steps. With these typings, timing leaks can be prevented by demanding that no assignment to an L variable may sequentially follow a command whose running time depends on H variables. We prove that well-typed multi-threaded programs satisfy a property that we call weak probabilistic noninterference; it is based on a notion of weak probabilistic bisimulation for Markov chains, allowing two Markov chains to be regarded as equivalent even when one "runs" more slowly than the other. Finally, we show that the language can safely be extended with a fork command that allows new threads to be spawned.
机译:通过将程序的变量分类为L(低级,公共)或H(高级,私有),安全信息流问题与防止程序将信息从H变量泄漏到L变量有关。在具有概率调度的多线程命令式语言的上下文中,可以将目标形式化为概率非干扰属性。先前的工作确定了足以保证概率不干扰的类型系统,但以防止时序泄漏的严格限制为代价-例如,在while循环的保护中禁止使用H变量。在这里,我们提出了一种更为宽松的类型系统,该系统允许线程的运行时间取决于H变量的值,但前提是这些时间变化不能影响L变量的值。类型系统为每个命令提供类型为τ_1cmdτ_2的类型。此类型表示该命令仅分配给级别τ_1(或更高)的变量,并且运行时间仅取决于级别τ_2(或更低)的变量。此外,对于恰好以n步终止的命令,它也使用τcmd n形式的类型。使用这些类型,可以通过要求没有分配给L变量的命令可以顺序跟随运行时间取决于H变量的命令来防止定时泄漏。我们证明类型良好的多线程程序满足我们称为弱概率非干扰的属性;它基于马尔可夫链的弱概率双仿真概念,即使两个“马氏”链的运行速度比另一个慢,也可以将它们视为等效。最后,我们展示了可以使用fork命令安全地扩展该语言,该命令允许生成新线程。



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