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From digital hype to analogue reality: Universal simulation beyond the quantum and exascale eras


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Many believe that the future of innovation lies in simulation. However, as computers are becoming ever more powerful, so does the hyperbole used to discuss their potential in modelling across a vast range of domains, from subatomic physics to chemistry, climate science, epidemiology, economics and cosmology. As we are about to enter the era of quantum and exascale computing, machine learning and artificial intelligence have entered the field in a significant way. In this article we give a brief history of simulation, discuss how machine learning can be more powerful if underpinned by deeper mechanistic understanding, outline the potential of exascale and quantum computing, highlight the limits of digital computing - classical and quantum - and distinguish rhetoric from reality in assessing the future of modelling and simulation, when we believe analogue computing will play an increasingly important role. (c) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
机译:许多人认为,创新的未来在于模拟。然而,随着计算机变得更强大的,夸张的夸张用于讨论其在广泛的域中建模的潜力,从亚基物理到化学,气候科学,流行病学,经济学和宇宙学。正如我们即将进入量子和ExaScale计算的时代,机器学习和人工智能以显着的方式进入了该领域。在本文中,我们介绍了仿真历史,讨论机器学习如何更强大,如果通过更深层次的机械理解,概述了ExAscale和量子计算的潜力,突出了数字计算的限制 - 古典和量子 - 以及区分言论在评估建模和模拟的未来时,当我们相信类似物计算时,将发挥越来越重要的作用。 (c)2020作者。由elsevier b.v发布。这是CC的开放访问文章,许可证(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)。



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