首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering >Kerr-Schild geometry from cosmology to microworld and space-time structure

Kerr-Schild geometry from cosmology to microworld and space-time structure


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The Kerr-Schild (KS) geometry is linked tightly with the auxiliary flat Minkowski background. Nevertheless, it describes many curved space-times and the related physical models, starting from cosmology and black holes to the microworld of the spinning elementary particles and the pre-quantum structure of vacuum fluctuations. We consider here a KS model of the Bubble Universe - a semi-closed Universe with a rotating de Sitter (or anti-de Sitter) space embedded in an external flat space-time. When the solution has two horizons, it may also be interpreted as an Universe inside a black hole. In micro-world the KS geometry yields a model of the spinning particle consistent with gravity and describes a pre-quantum twistorial structure of space-time with the beam-like fluctuations of metric consistent with the beamlike fluctuations of electromagnetic vacuum. These light-like twistor-beams excitations are consistent with gravity and generalize the known pp-wave solutions. Following Wheeler's estimations of the density of vacuum fluctuations we arrive at the general conclusion that Universe should be flat and have a zero cosmological constant. It contradicts predominant doctrine of the Big Bang and expanding Universe, and enforces us to return to an 'effective flat geometry' filled by the electromagnetic background radiation.
机译:Kerr-Schild(KS)几何图形与辅助平面Minkowski背景紧密相连。然而,它描述了许多弯曲的时空和相关的物理模型,从宇宙学和黑洞到旋转的基本粒子的微观世界以及真空涨落的量子前结构。我们在这里考虑气泡宇宙的KS模型-半封闭宇宙,其中在外部平坦时空中嵌入了旋转的de Sitter(或anti-de Sitter)空间。当解有两个视界时,它也可以解释为黑洞内的一个宇宙。在微型世界中,KS几何形状产生了与重力一致的旋转粒子模型,并描述了时空的量子前扭转结构,其度量的束状波动与电磁真空的束状波动一致。这些类似光的扭曲光束的激发与重力一致,并推广了已知的pp波解。根据惠勒对真空涨落密度的估计,我们得出一个普遍的结论,即宇宙应该是平坦的,并且宇宙常数为零。它与“大爆炸”和膨胀的宇宙的主要学说相矛盾,并迫使我们回到由电磁背景辐射填充的“有效平面几何形状”。



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