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Financial structure and monetary policy transmission in transition countries


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Using the structural vector autoregressive methodology, we present estimates of monetary transmission for the new and future EU member countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Unlike most previous research we include ten transition countries. We examine to what extent monetary transmission in these countries is related to financial structure indicators, using an approach similar to that used by Cecchetti [Cecchetti, Stephen G., 1999. Legal structure, financial structure, and the monetary policy transmission mechanism. Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review 5 (2), 9-28] to investigate this issue for eleven old EU member countries. Unlike Cecchetti's results for the old EU member countries, we find little evidence of any link between financial structure indicators and monetary policy for these ten accession countries.
机译:使用结构矢量自回归方法,我们给出了中欧和东欧新的和未来的欧盟成员国的货币传导估计。与以往的大多数研究不同,我们包括十个转型国家。我们使用类似于Cecchetti [Cecchetti,Stephen G.,1999。法律结构,金融结构和货币政策传导机制的方法],研究了这些国家的货币传导在多大程度上与金融结构指标相关。纽约联邦储备银行经济政策评论,第5(2)期,第9-28页],以调查11个欧盟老成员国的这一问题。与切奇蒂对欧盟旧成员国的调查结果不同,我们发现这十个加入国的金融结构指标与货币政策之间没有任何联系的证据。



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