首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Community Health >Reducing the Use of Emergency Medical Resources Among Head Start Families: A Pilot Study

Reducing the Use of Emergency Medical Resources Among Head Start Families: A Pilot Study


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The objective of this study was to determine whether self-care training with Head Start parents can improve their ability to manage the healthcare needs of their children measured by utilization of emergency department (ED) and physician services. Four hundred and six families in Head Start agencies were included in the study. Parents were given a low-literate self-help book entitled What To Do When Your Child Gets Sick. The study design included using multiple-choice, pre-and post-intervention survey data. In a six month follow-up, parents who received the book reported a 48% reduction in ED visits and a 37.5% reduction in clinic visits. More research is needed to determine if this self-care tool and additional training can have a significant impact on inappropriate use of medical resources.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定通过“先行开始”父母进行的自我保健培训是否可以通过利用急诊科(ED)和医师服务来提高他们管理子女医疗保健需求的能力。这项研究包括了Head Start机构中的406个家庭。父母得到了一本低素素的自助书,名为《孩子生病时该怎么办》。研究设计包括使用多项选择,干预前后的调查数据。在六个月的随访中,收到这本书的父母报告说,急诊就诊次数减少了48%,门诊就诊次数减少了37.5%。需要更多的研究来确定这种自我护理工具和额外的培训是否会对不当使用医疗资源产生重大影响。



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