首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >The Time Course of Motoneuronal Excitability during the Preparation of Complex Movements

The Time Course of Motoneuronal Excitability during the Preparation of Complex Movements


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For a simple RT task, movement complexity increases RT and also corticospinal excitability, as measured by the motor evoked potential (MEP) elicited by TMS of the motor cortex. However, it is unknown if complexity-related increases in corticospinal excitability during the preparation of movement are mediated at the cortical or spinal level. The purposes of this study were to establish a time course of motoneuronal excitability before prime mover activation and to assess task-dependent effects of complex movements on motoneuronal and cortical excitability in a simple RT paradigm. It was hypothesized that motoneuronal and cortical excitability would increase before prime mover activation and in response to movement complexity. In a seated position, participants completed ballistic elbow extension/flexion movements with their dominant arm to one, two, or three targets. TMS and transmastoid stimulation (TS) were delivered at 0%, 70%, 80% or 90% of mean premotor RT for each complexity level. Stimulus intensities were set to elicit MEPs and cervicomedullary MEPs (CMEPs) of similar to 10% of the maximal M-wave in the triceps brachii. Compared with 0% RT, motoneuronal excitability (CMEP amplitude) was already 10% greater at 70% RT. CMEP amplitude also increased with movement complexity as both the two- and three-movement conditions had greater motoneuronal excitability than the one-movement condition (p < .038). Importantly, when normalized to the CMEP, there was no increase in MEP amplitude. This suggests that complexity-related increases in corticospinal excitability are likely to be mediated more by increased excitability at a motoneuronal than cortical level.
机译:对于简单的RT任务,运动复杂性会增加RT并增加皮质脊髓兴奋性,这是由运动皮质的TMS诱发的运动诱发电位(MEP)来衡量的。但是,尚不清楚在运动准备过程中,与复杂性相关的皮质脊髓兴奋性增加是否在皮质或脊髓水平介导。这项研究的目的是建立原动力激活之前的运动神经元兴奋性的时程,并以简单的RT范式评估复杂运动对运动神经元和皮层兴奋性的任务依赖性影响。据推测,原动蛋白激活之前和对运动复杂性的反应,动神经和皮层兴奋性会增加。在坐姿中,参与者以其优势臂完成一个,两个或三个目标的弹道肘伸展/屈曲运动。对于每个复杂性水平,以平均运动前RT的0%,70%,80%或90%交付TMS和经乳突刺激(TS)。设置刺激强度以诱发肱三头肌中最大M波的10%左右的MEP和子宫颈MEP(CMEP)。与0%RT相比,在70%RT下,动脑神经兴奋性(CMEP振幅)已经提高了10%。 CMEP振幅也随着运动复杂度的增加而增加,因为两次运动和三次运动条件下的运动神经元兴奋性均高于一次运动(p <.038)。重要的是,当标准化为CMEP时,MEP幅度没有增加。这表明皮质激素兴奋性的增加与复杂性相关的增加可能是由运动神经元兴奋性的增加而不是皮质水平介导的。



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