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When Peanuts Fall in Love: N400 Evidence for the Power of Discourse


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In linguistic theories of how sentences encode meaning, a distinction is often made between the context-free rule-based combination of lexical-semantic features of the words within a sentence ("semantics"), and the contributions made by wider context ("pragmatics"). In psycholinguistics, this distinction has led to the view that listeners initially compute a local, context-independent meaning of a phrase or sentence before relating it to the wider context. An important aspect of such a two-step perspective on interpretation is that local semantics cannot initially be overruled by global contextual factors. In two spoken-language event-related potential experiments, we tested the viability of this claim by examining whether discourse context can overrule the impact of the core lexical-semantic feature animacy, considered to be an innate organizing principle of cognition. Two-step models of interpreta- tion predict that verb-object animacy violations, as in "The girl comforted the clock," will always perturb the unfolding interpretation process, regardless of wider context. When presented in isolation, such anomalies indeed elicit a clear N400 effect, a sign of interpretive problems. However, when the anomalies were embedded in a supportive context (e.g., a girl talking to a clock about his depression), this N400 effect disappeared completely. Moreover, given a suitable discourse context (e.g., a story about an amorous peanut), animacy-violating predicates ("the peanut was in love") were actually processed more easily than canonical predicates ("the peanut was salted"). Our findings reveal that discourse context can immediately overrule local lexical-semantic violations, and therefore suggest that language comprehension does not involve an initially context-free semantic analysis.
机译:在关于句子如何编码含义的语言理论中,通常会区分句子中单词的基于上下文的无规则的词法语义特征组合(“语义”)与更广泛的上下文所做出的贡献(“语用学” ”)。在心理语言学中,这种区别导致了这样一种观点,即听众在将短语或句子与更广泛的上下文相关联之前,首先计算短语或句子的局部,上下文无关的含义。从解释的两步观点来看,一个重要方面是,局部语义最初不能被全局上下文因素否决。在两个与语言事件相关的潜在实验中,我们通过检查话语上下文是否可以推翻核心词汇语义特征生气勃勃的行为(被认为是认知的先天组织原则)的影响,来检验这种说法的可行性。解释的两步模型预测,动词-对象的动画违反行为,例如“女孩安慰时钟”,将始终扰乱正在展开的解释过程,而与更广泛的上下文无关。孤立地呈现时,此类异常确实会引起明显的N400效应,这是解释性问题的迹象。但是,当异常情况嵌入支持性环境中时(例如,一个女孩在与时钟谈论他的抑郁症),这种N400效果就完全消失了。而且,在适当的话语语境下(例如,关于一个多情的花生的故事),违反正当性的谓词(“花生恋爱了”)实际上比规范谓词(“花生被腌制”)更容易处理。我们的发现表明,话语语境可以立即推翻当地的词汇-语义冲突,因此表明语言理解并不涉及最初的无语境语义分析。



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