首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >Role for Presupplementary Motor Area in Inhibition of Cognitive Set Interference

Role for Presupplementary Motor Area in Inhibition of Cognitive Set Interference


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Proactive interference (PI), which is formed through repetitionnof certain behavior and lasts for a while, needs to be inhibitednin order for subsequent behavior to prevail over the antecedentnone. Although the inhibitory mechanisms in the pFC have beennreported that are recruited long after one behavior is updated tonanother, very little is known about the inhibitorymechanisms thatnare recruited immediately after the update. The WCST was modifiednin the present fMRI study such that inhibition of PI could benexamined both immediately after and long after update of behavior.nUse of “dual-match” stimuli allowed us to compare two typesnof trials where inhibition of PI was and was not required (controlnand release trials, respectively). Significant activation was observednin the left pre-SMA during control versus release trials.nThe pre-SMA activation was selective to PI inhibition requirednimmediately after update of behavior, which exhibited markedncontrast to the left anterior prefrontal activation selective to PIninhibition required long after the update. These results revealndissociable inhibitory mechanisms in these two regions that arenrecruited in the different temporal contexts of the inhibitory demandsnimposed during performance of the task. ■
机译:需要通过重复某些行为而形成并持续一段时间的主动干扰(PI),以防止后续行为胜过先前的行为。尽管尚未报告过在一种行为更新为另一种行为后很久才募集的pFC中的抑制机制,但对更新后立即募集的抑制机制知之甚少。在本功能磁共振成像研究中对WCST进行了修改,以便可以在行为更新后立即或很长时间之后立即使用苯甲酰胺来抑制PI。n使用“双重匹配”刺激使我们能够比较不需要和不需要PI抑制的两种类型的试验(控制和释放试验)。在对照与释放试验期间,在左前SMA前观察到显着激活。n行为更新后,SMA前激活对需要的PI抑制具有选择性,这与更新后很长的对PIn抑制有选择性的左前额叶激活表现出明显的对比。这些结果揭示了在这两个区域中难以捉摸的抑制机制,这些机制是在任务执行期间施加的抑制需求的不同时间范围内招募的。 ■



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