首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >The Neural Bases of the Semantic Interference of Spatial Frequency-based Information in Scenes

The Neural Bases of the Semantic Interference of Spatial Frequency-based Information in Scenes


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Current models of visual perception suggest that during scene categorization, low spatial frequencies (LSF) are processed rapidly and activate plausible interpretations of visual input. This coarse analysis would then be used to guide subsequent processing of high spatial frequencies (HSF). The present fMRI study examined how processing of LSF may influence that of HSF by investigating the neural bases of the semantic interference effect. We used hybrid scenes as stimuli by combining LSF and HSF from two different scenes, and participants had to categorize the HSF scene. Categorization was impaired when LSF and HSF scenes were semantically dissimilar, suggesting that the LSF scene was processed automatically and interfered with categorization of the HSF scene. fMRI results revealed that this semantic interference effect was associated with increased activation in the inferior frontal gyrus, the superior parietal lobules, and the fusiform and parahippocampal gyri. Furthermore, a connectivity analysis (psychophysiological interaction) revealed that the semantic interference effect resulted in increasing connectivity between the right fusiform and the right inferior frontal gyri. Results support influential models suggesting that, during scene categorization, LSF information is processed rapidly in the pFC and activates plausible interpretations of the scene category. These coarse predictions would then initiate top–down influences on recognition-related areas of the inferotemporal cortex, and these could interfere with the categorization of HSF information in case of semantic dissimilarity to LSF.
机译:当前的视觉感知模型表明,在场景分类期间,低空间频率(LSF)会得到快速处理并激活视觉输入的合理解释。然后,可以使用这种粗略分析来指导高空间频率(HSF)的后续处理。当前的fMRI研究通过调查语义干扰效应的神经基础,研究了LSF的加工如何影响HSF的加工。我们通过将来自两个不同场景的LSF和HSF结合起来使用混合场景作为刺激,参与者必须对HSF场景进行分类。当LSF和HSF场景在语义上不同时,分类会受到影响,这表明LSF场景是自动处理的,并且会干扰HSF场景的分类。 fMRI结果显示,这种语义干扰效应与额下回,顶叶上小叶以及梭形和海马旁回的激活增加有关。此外,连通性分析(心理生理学相互作用)显示,语义干扰效应导致右梭形和右下额回之间的连通性增加。结果支持有影响力的模型,表明在场景分类期间,LSF信息在pFC中得到快速处理,并激活了场景类别的合理解释。这些粗略的预测随后将对颞下皮质的识别相关区域产生自上而下的影响,并且在语义上与LSF相似的情况下,这些可能会干扰HSF信息的分类。



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