首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cognitive engineering and decision making >Calibrating Trust in Automation Through Familiarity With the Autoparking Feature of a Tesla Model X

Calibrating Trust in Automation Through Familiarity With the Autoparking Feature of a Tesla Model X

机译:通过熟悉特斯拉Model X的自动停车功能来校准对自动化的信任

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Because one of the largest influences on trust in automation is the familiarity with the system, we sought to examine the effects of familiarity on driver interventions while using the autoparking feature of a Tesla Model X. Participants were either told or shown how the autoparking feature worked. Results showed a significantly higher initial driver intervention rate when the participants were only told how to employ the autoparking feature, than when shown. However, the intervention rate quickly leveled off, and differences between conditions disappeared. The number of interventions and the distances from the parking anchoring point (a trashcan) were used to create a new measure of distrust in autonomy. Eyetracking measures revealed that participants disengaged from monitoring the center display as the experiment progressed, which could be a further indication of a lowering of distrust in the system. Combined, these results have important implications for development and design of explainable artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. Finally, we detail the substantial hurdles encountered while trying to evaluate “autonomy in the wild.” Our research highlights the need to re-evaluate trust concepts in high-risk, high-consequence environments.
机译:因为对自动化信任的最大影响之一就是对系统的熟悉程度,所以我们试图在使用特斯拉Model X的自动泊车功能时研究熟悉度对驾驶员干预的影响。参与者被告知或展示了自动泊车功能的工作原理。结果显示,当参与者仅被告知如何使用自动泊车功能时,其初始驾驶员干预率要明显高于所示。但是,干预率很快趋于平稳,条件之间的差异消失了。干预的数量和距停车点(垃圾桶)的距离被用来创建一种新的对自治的不信任感。眼动追踪措施显示,随着实验的进行,参与者脱离了对中心显示器的监控,这可能进一步表明该系统的不信任感有所降低。结合起来,这些结果对于可解释的人工智能和自治系统的开发和设计具有重要的意义。最后,我们详细介绍了尝试评估“野外自治”时遇到的重大障碍。我们的研究表明,需要在高风险,高后果的环境中重新评估信任概念。



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