首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Coastal Conservation >Suppressed recovery of plant community composition and biodiversity on dredged fill of a hurricane-induced inlet through a barrier island

Suppressed recovery of plant community composition and biodiversity on dredged fill of a hurricane-induced inlet through a barrier island


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In September 2003, Hurricane Isabel created an inlet over 500 m wide and 10 m deep that connected the Atlantic Ocean and Pamlico Sound. This breach was subsequently filled with sediments dredged from the adjacent sound. The purpose of this study was to determine if the barrier island terrestrial plant communities were naturally re-establishing through primary succession. In 2006–2008, we compared plant communities, soil carbon and nitrogen, and Aeolian transport of sediments in undisturbed back-dunes, undisturbed shrub thickets, putative back-dunes, and putative shrub thickets. We found that species richness and evenness were low on the filled area relative to adjacent plant communities that had persisted through the storm. Plants on the filled area were almost entirely limited to a band of primarily Spartina patens found at the margin of the sound and there were no signs of establishing the typical zonation of back dune grasses, shrubs, and salt marsh. Evaluation of soil quality suggests that nutrients and organic material are not limiting recovery. Aeolian transport, however, was demonstrably higher across the filled area, where no dense stands of taller plants buffered the airflow. Plant re-establishment is suppressed by wind erosion inhibiting deposition of seeds. Recovery of the site will likely depend on the rhizomatous spread of S. patens from the sound shore. S. patens can then potentially facilitate the colonization of other species by buffering the wind and trapping seeds of other plants. Ironically, this slow recovery may benefit federally threatened bird species that require sparse vegetation for nesting success.
机译:2003年9月,伊莎贝尔飓风创建了一个连接大西洋和帕米利科海峡的宽500米,深10米的进水口。随后,该裂口被从相邻声音中挖出的沉积物所填充。这项研究的目的是确定障碍岛陆地植物群落是否通过一次演替自然重建。在2006–2008年,我们比较了未扰动的沙丘,未扰动的灌木丛,假定的沙丘和假定的灌木丛中的植物群落,土壤碳和氮以及风沙沉积物的输送。我们发现,相对于在风暴中持续存在的邻近植物群落,物种丰富度和均匀度在填充区较低。填充区域上的植物几乎完全局限于在声音边缘发现的主要为Spartina patens的带,并且没有迹象表明建立后沙丘草,灌木和盐沼的典型地带。对土壤质量的评估表明,养分和有机物质并没有限制恢复。然而,在整个灌装区风沙运输明显更高,那里没有高大植物的密集林分缓冲气流。通过风蚀抑制种子的沉积来抑制植物的重建。该部位的恢复可能取决于沙丁鱼在声波海岸上的根状传播。然后,通过缓冲风和捕获其他植物的种子,S。patens可以潜在地促进其他物种的定殖。具有讽刺意味的是,这种缓慢的恢复可能会使需要稀疏植被才能成功筑巢的受到联邦威胁的鸟类受益。



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