首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Towards more sustainable management systems: through life cycle management and integration

Towards more sustainable management systems: through life cycle management and integration


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The standards for management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 are developing towards a higher degree of compatibility. At the same time, organisations increasingly integrate these systems. The paper discusses this development and presents different levels of integration. The aim is to suggest the next steps to take in order to improve an integration which promotes sustainable management. Product-oriented management and stakeholders are in focus and the standards for management systems and the need for a common integrated ISO standard are discussed. Finally, the need for changes in life style and needs is presented as crucial to the development of more sustainable management systems.
机译:管理系统的标准(例如ISO 9001,ISO 14001和OHSAS 18001)正在朝着更高的兼容性方向发展。同时,组织越来越多地集成这些系统。本文讨论了这一发展,并提出了不同级别的集成。目的是建议采取下一步措施,以改善促进可持续管理的整合。面向产品的管理和利益相关者成为重点,讨论了管理系统的标准以及对通用集成ISO标准的需求。最后,人们提出了改变生活方式和需求的需求,这对于发展更具可持续性的管理体系至关重要。



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