首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Factors influencing the access duration of free-floating bike sharing as a feeder mode to the metro in Shenzhen

Factors influencing the access duration of free-floating bike sharing as a feeder mode to the metro in Shenzhen


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In recent years, free-floating bike sharing (FFBS) has become an effective travel mode to connect the urban rail transit in the first/last mile. However, access duration, a significant factor for integrating bike and metro systems and improving the connecting efficiency, has received little attention from scholars. To fill this gap, the goal of this study is to identify the factors that affect the access duration of FFBS as a feeder mode to and from metro stations. Using operation data of FFBS in Shenzhen, China, we first explore the spatiotemporal characteristics of access duration in core area and suburb. Then, the influences of built environment, public transport services, travel attributes, temporal characteristics, and meteorological conditions on access duration for these two areas are examined using multinomial logistic models. The results indicate that: (1) access duration during the morning peaks on weekdays is shorter than that in the evening peaks and on weekends. The proportion of short access duration trips (1-7min) among all access trips in the core area is higher than that in suburb. (2) For weekdays, more major roads increase access duration, while more branch roads would decrease it, especially in the core area. An increase in the number of subway entrances and exits significantly reduces access duration in the suburb. And the number of road intersections and congestion level in the cycling environment increase access duration, especially in the core area. (3) For weekends, the built environment has a weak impact on access duration, and higher levels of congestion in the cycling environment increase access duration, but the effect is smaller than that on weekdays. (4) Unexpectedly, the length of bicycle lanes has no significant effect on shortening access duration. Finally, elasticity analysis is carried out to identify effective policies for improving access efficiency, such as constructing branch roads in core area, improving the quality and the cycling environment of the bicycle lanes, reasonably increasing the number of subway entrances in suburb. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:近年来,自由浮动自行车分享(FFB)已成为一个有效的旅行模式,以便在第一英里/最后一英里连接城市轨道交通。然而,访问持续时间,整合自行车和地铁系统的重要因素,提高连接效率,从学者接受了很少的关注。为了填补这种差距,本研究的目标是识别影响FFBS获得持续时间的因素,作为往返地铁站的馈线模式。使用中国深圳FFB的运营数据,首先探讨核心区和郊区访问持续时间的时空特征。然后,使用多型物流模型检查建筑环境,公共交通服务,旅行属性,时间特征,时间特征和用于访问持续时间的气象条件。结果表明:(1)工作日早晨峰值期间的访问持续时间短于晚上山峰和周末的持续时间。核心区域中所有访问频率之间的短途访问持续时间跳闸(1-7min)的比例高于郊区的访问。 (2)平日,更多主要道路增加了访问持续时间,而更多的分支道路将减少,特别是在核心区域。地铁入口数量的增加和退出显着降低了郊区的访问持续时间。以及循环环境中的道路交叉口和拥塞水平增加了访问持续时间,尤其是在核心区域中。 (3)周末,建筑环境对接入持续时间的影响薄弱,循环环境中的拥塞水平提高了访问持续时间,但效果小于平日的效果。 (4)意外地,自行车车道的长度对缩短接入持续时间没有显着影响。最后,进行弹性分析以确定提高获得效率的有效政策,例如在核心区域构建分支道路,提高自行车车道的质量和循环环境,合理增加郊区地铁入口的数量。 (c)2020 elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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