首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >The influence of high-calcium fly ash on the properties of fresh and hardened self-compacting concrete and high performance self-compacting concrete

The influence of high-calcium fly ash on the properties of fresh and hardened self-compacting concrete and high performance self-compacting concrete


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This research presents findings on the influence of high-calcium fly ash (HCFA) on selected properties of fresh and hardened self-compacting concrete and high performance self-compacting concrete. HCFA was used as an additive for concrete (up to 30%) or as a main constituent in cement Studies have confirmed the possibility of HCFA use in self-compacting concrete, while maintaining the assumed workability of fresh concrete and compressive strength of hardened concrete. HCFA should be processed by grinding, and its amount in the mixture should not be higher than 30% of the cement's mass. Cements that contain HCFA as the main component can be used in both normal and high performance self-compacting concrete. Studies have also confirmed the possibility of the use of high-ash, multi-component cements containing HCFA (CEM X - "CEM V/A (S-W)") for the new generation of concrete.
机译:这项研究提出了关于高钙粉煤灰(HCFA)对新鲜和硬化的自密实混凝土和高性能自密实混凝土选择性能的影响的发现。 HCFA用作混凝土的添加剂(最多30%)或用作水泥的主要成分研究已证实HCFA可用于自密实混凝土中,同时保持假定的新鲜混凝土可加工性和硬化混凝土的抗压强度。 HCFA应通过研磨处理,混合物中的HCFA含量不得高于水泥质量的30%。含有HCFA作为主要成分的水泥可用于普通和高性能自密实混凝土。研究还证实了将含HCFA的高灰分多组分水泥(CEM X-“ CEM V / A(S-W)”)用于新一代混凝土的可能性。



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