首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Thermodynamics data of valuable elements relevant to e-waste processing through primary and secondary copper production: a review

Thermodynamics data of valuable elements relevant to e-waste processing through primary and secondary copper production: a review


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Waste of electronics and electrical equipment (WEEE or e-waste) can be viewed as a resource for metals, as it does not only contain the common metals like iron (Fe), aluminium (Al), lead (Pb) and copper (Cu) but also traces of precious and rare elements such as gold (Au), silver (Ag), tin (Sn), selenium (Se), tellurium (Te), platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), tantalum (Ta), cobalt (Co) and indium (In). The recovery of these trace elements is vital, not just because it has high commercial values, but also for resources efficiency. One of the existing industrial routes for processing of e-waste is through the primary and secondary Cu smelting processes. During these processes, the trace elements are distributed in different phases, i.e. in metal/matte, slag and gas. Different elements have different thermodynamic properties that govern the partitioning behaviour during the process. There has been a number of studies on the distribution behaviour of the trace elements relevant to primary Cu smelting (extraction of metals from virgin ores). However, there are only limited thermodynamics data relevant to secondary Cu smelting (extraction of metals from secondary/recycled sources). This paper reviews the thermodynamics data relevant for recovering the trace valuable elements from the primary Cu as well as secondary Cu smelting. These data and knowledge provide the basis for determining the optimum conditions favourable for recovering the trace valuable elements in e-waste through the industrial Cu pyrometallurgical processing. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:电子电气设备的废弃物(WEEE或电子废弃物)可以被视为金属的资源,因为它不仅包含铁(Fe),铝(Al),铅(Pb)和铜(Cu)等常见金属)以及稀有的稀有元素,例如金(Au),银(Ag),锡(Sn),硒(Se),碲(Te),铂(Pt),钯(Pd),钽(Ta) ,钴(Co)和铟(In)。这些微量元素的回收至关重要,不仅因为它具有很高的商业价值,而且对于提高资源效率也很重要。现有的处理电子废物的工业路线之一是通过一次和二次Cu冶炼过程。在这些过程中,微量元素分布在不同的阶段,即金属/亚光,炉渣和气体。不同的元素具有不同的热力学性质,这些热力学性质控制过程中的分配行为。关于与初次铜冶炼(从原始矿石中提取金属)有关的微量元素的分布行为,已有许多研究。但是,仅有有限的热力学数据与二次铜的冶炼(从二次/循环源中提取金属)有关。本文回顾了与从初级铜和次级铜熔炼中回收微量有价值元素有关的热力学数据。这些数据和知识为确定最佳条件提供了基础,该条件有利于通过工业化铜热冶炼工艺回收电子废物中的微量有价值元素。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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