首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >The efficacy of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme: depicting the co-movement of carbon assets and energy commodities through wavelet decomposition

The efficacy of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme: depicting the co-movement of carbon assets and energy commodities through wavelet decomposition


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Environmental system thresholds have been crossed for a number of dimensions of global environmental pollution, such as greenhouse gas emissions. Under this scenario, institutions and corporations are required to implement sustainable policies as a condition for humanity staying within planetary boundaries. Accordingly, the European Union created the largest Emissions Trading Scheme in the world with the aim of properly managing corporations' carbon dioxide reductions. This paper aims to contribute to the literature focused on testing the effectiveness of institutional environmental management policies. Specifically, this research evaluates whether the objectives of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme are partially achieved by analyzing the dynamics of carbon assets and the main energy commodities worldwide. This paper provides relevant information both for policy makers and company managers so that contributions towards the common goal of developing a clean energy future and curbing climate change are ameliorated. Based on wavelet coherence analysis, this paper proposes a model-free way of estimating the time-varying correlations between carbon assets and energy commodities at both high and low frequencies. Our central results reveal that carbon assets and energy commodities present a changing lead/lag behavior at different frequencies. The energy commodities lead the European Union Allowances returns at medium frequencies, but the contrary was true for the highest investment horizons. This finding should be in line with the goal of significantly reducing emissions because during long cycles if the majority of companies have not switched to cleaner industrial processes, they must buy more carbon assets, increasing their prices. In that case, energy commodities would be more expensive because of the energy commodities' market behavior during long-term horizons with European Union Allowances lead. The Certified Emissions Reductions lead in a negative way most of the energy commodities at medium frequencies, thus indicating that investors handling energy commodities-oriented portfolios could incorporate the mentioned carbon assets for diversification purposes. These specific findings suggest that polluting activities would be more expensive, which would provide an incentive to companies to implement environmentally friendly industrial processes. The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme can result in significant emission reductions and compliance of the European Union with the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:对于全球环境污染的许多方面,例如温室气体排放,已经超过了环境系统的阈值。在这种情况下,要求机构和公司执行可持续政策,作为人类停留在地球边界之内的条件。因此,欧盟制定了世界上最大的排放交易计划,旨在妥善管理企业的二氧化碳减排量。本文旨在为致力于检验机构环境管理政策有效性的文献做出贡献。具体而言,本研究通过分析全球范围内的碳资产和主要能源商品的动态来评估是否实现了欧盟排放交易计划的目标。本文为政策制定者和公司经理提供了相关信息,以便改善对实现清洁能源未来和遏制气候变化这一共同目标的贡献。基于小波相干分析,本文提出了一种无模型的方法来估算高频和低频下碳资产与能源商品之间的时变相关性。我们的主要结果表明,碳资产和能源商品在不同频率下呈现出变化的超前/滞后行为。能源商品以中等频率领先于欧盟配额的回报,但对于最高投资期而言则相反。这一发现应符合显着减少排放的目标,因为在较长的周期内,如果大多数公司未转向更清洁的工业流程,则它们必须购买更多的碳资产,从而提高其价格。在那种情况下,由于在欧盟补贴的带动下,长期来看能源商品的市场行为,能源商品将更加昂贵。核证的减排量对大多数能源商品处于中频产生负面影响,因此表明,处理以能源商品为导向的投资组合的投资者可以纳入上述碳资产,以用于多元化目的。这些具体发现表明,污染活动将更加昂贵,这将激励企业实施环境友好的工业流程。欧洲联盟的排放权交易计划可以大大减少排放,并使欧洲联盟遵守《京都议定书》的目标。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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