首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Fashion without pollution: How consumers evaluate brands after an NGO campaign aimed at reducing toxic chemicals in the fashion industry

Fashion without pollution: How consumers evaluate brands after an NGO campaign aimed at reducing toxic chemicals in the fashion industry


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This research analyzes the effects on consumer responses of an NGO campaign (Greenpeace's 2011 Detox campaign), aimed at reducing toxic chemicals in the manufacturing processes and final products of fashion brands. The proposed model explains and tests the mechanisms underlying negative consumer reactions to the fashion brands that are the focus of NGO campaigns. The findings illustrate the mediating role that consumers' evaluations of brand blame play in their attitude towards such brands and subsequent purchase intentions. Two relevant moderators - (1) consumer reasons for justifying brands' unethical behavior in the market and (2) the decision of certain brands to comply with the NGO campaign's requests - play a significant part in the mediation mechanism. These findings make original contributions to theory and have important implications for consumers, companies, and NGOs, because they provide fresh insights into understanding, and handling effectively, consumer reactions to NGO campaigns aimed at reducing the use of toxic chemicals in the fashion industry. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究分析了非政府组织运动(绿色和平组织2011年排毒运动)对消费者反应的影响,该运动旨在减少时尚品牌的制造过程和最终产品中的有毒化学物质。提议的模型解释并测试了消费者对时尚品牌的负面反应的机制,而时尚品牌是NGO活动的重点。调查结果表明,消费者对品牌责任的评估在他们对此类品牌的态度和随后的购买意图中起着中介作用。两位相关的主持人-(1)消费者为品牌在市场上不道德行为辩护的理由,以及(2)某些品牌决定遵守NGO活动的要求-在调解机制中起着重要作用。这些发现为理论做出了最初的贡献,并对消费者,公司和非政府组织具有重要意义,因为它们为了解和有效处理消费者对旨在减少时装业中有毒化学品使用的非政府组织活动的反应提供了新见解。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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