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Integrated assessment of resource-energy-environment nexus in China's iron and steel industry


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MESSAGEix model are widely used for forecasting long-term energy consumption and emissions, as well as modelling the possible GHGs mitigations. However, because of the complexity of manufacturing sectors, the MESSAGEix model aggregate detailed technology options and thereby miss linkages across sub-sectors, which leads to energy saving potentials are often not very realistic and cannot be used to design specific policies. Here, we integrate Material/Energy/water Flow Analysis (MEWFA) and nexus approach into the MESSAGEix to estimate resource-energy-environment nexus in China's iron and steel industry. Results show that between 2010 and 2050 energy efficiency measures and route shifting of China's steel industry will decrease raw material input by 14%, energy use by 7%, water consumption by 8%, CO2 emissions by 7%, NOx emissions by 9%, and SO2 emissions by 14%, respectively. However, water withdrawal and PM2.5 emissions will increase by 14% and 20%, respectively. The main reason is that water withdrawal and PM2.5 emissions in the process of BF-BOF are over 4 times lower than the process scrap-EAF. Therefore, policy makers should consider nexus effects when design integrated policy to achieve multiple targets. Finally, future directions on enhancing the representation of manufacturing sectors in IAMs are given. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:MESSAGEix模型被广泛用于预测长期能源消耗和排放,以及对可能的温室气体减排进行建模。但是,由于制造行业的复杂性,MESSAGEix模型汇总了详细的技术选择,从而错过了各个子行业之间的联系,这导致节能潜力通常不是很现实,不能用于设计特定的政策。在这里,我们将材料/能源/水流分析(MEWFA)和联系方法整合到MESSAGEix中,以估算中国钢铁行业的资源-能源-环境联系。结果表明,在2010年至2050年之间,中国钢铁行业的节能措施和路线转变将使原材料投入减少14%,能源消耗减少7%,水消耗减少8%,CO2排放减少7%,NOx排放减少9%,和二氧化硫排放分别减少了14%。但是,取水量和PM2.5排放量将分别增加14%和20%。主要原因是高炉转炉过程中的取水量和PM2.5排放量比工艺废料-EAF低4倍以上。因此,决策者在设计综合政策以实现多个目标时应考虑联系效应。最后,给出了在IAM中增强制造业代表性的未来方向。 (C)2019 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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