首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >CO_2 emissions from household consumption at the provincial level and interprovincial transfer in China

CO_2 emissions from household consumption at the provincial level and interprovincial transfer in China


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China is under great pressure to reduce CO2 emissions (CEs). Meanwhile, China's economy is more reliant on domestic consumption (particularly household consumption) than on exports. So, to achieve large-scale CEs' reduction for China, there is urgent need to study the CO2 emissions from household consumption (CEs-HC). Based on the environmentally extended Multiregional Input-Output model, this paper not only calculates both the direct CO2 emissions from household consumption (DCEs-CH) and the indirect CO2 emissions from household consumption (ICEs-CH) at the provincial level in China, but also splits ICEs-CH into domestic and foreign CEs. The findings of this paper are as follows: (1) between 2002 and 2012, CEs-HC in China increased significantly, by 2.27 times, from 1306.17 Mt in 2002 to 2971.01 Mt in 2012. The CO2 emissions from urban household consumption (CEs-UHC) in China accounted for 75% of the total CEs-HC in 2012. (2) The per capita CEs-HC in China increased from 1.02 t/person in 2002 to 2.19 t/person in 2012. There was a prominent disparity in the total CEs and per capital CEs-HC among the provinces in China. The per capita CEs-HC were larger in provinces with a higher level of urbanization and higher per capita income. (3) The large-scale interprovincial transfer of ICEs caused by household consumption mainly occurred either within the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, and the Jing-Jin-Ji region or among these three regions. In addition, to service the household consumption, the energy-abundant provinces transferred a considerable amount of CEs to eastern coastal provinces. To achieve CEs' reduction, consumption-based strategies, such as lifestyle changes, should be required in parallel with strategies to reduce emission intensities on the producer side in China. Urban households should take more responsibility for the reduction of CEs in China. The interprovincial "Carbon leakage" should be taken into account when making policies for CEs' reduction in China. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:中国承受着减少二氧化碳排放量的巨大压力。同时,中国经济更依赖国内消费(尤其是家庭消费),而不是出口。因此,为了在中国实现大规模的CE减排,迫切需要研究家庭消费产生的CO2排放量(CEs-HC)。基于环境扩展的多区域投入产出模型,本文不仅计算了中国省级家庭消费的直接CO2排放量(DCEs-CH)和家庭消费的间接CO2排放量(ICEs-CH),而且它还将ICEs-CH分为国内外CE。本文的发现如下:(1)在2002年至2012年期间,中国的CEs-HC显着增加了2.27倍,从2002年的1306.17 Mt增加到2012年的2971.01Mt。城市居民消费的二氧化碳排放量(CEs- 2012年,中国的CEs-HC占总消费量的75%。(2)中国的人均CEs-HC从2002年的1.02吨/人增加到2012年的2.19吨/人。中国各省之间的总CE和人均CE-HC。在城市化水平较高和人均收入较高的省份中,人均CEs-HC较高。 (3)家庭消费引起的大型跨省ICE转移主要发生在长江三角洲,珠江三角洲,京津冀地区或这三个地区。此外,为满足家庭消费需求,能源丰富的省份将相当数量的消费电子产品转移到东部沿海省份。为了实现减少CE的目标,应要求采取基于消费的策略,例如改变生活方式,并同时降低中国生产者一方的排放强度。城市家庭应为减少中国的CE承担更多责任。在制定减少中国CE的政策时,应考虑省际“碳泄漏”。 (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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