首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >The potential to reduce GHG emissions in egg production using a GHG calculator - A Cool Farm Tool case study

The potential to reduce GHG emissions in egg production using a GHG calculator - A Cool Farm Tool case study


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Models and tools are used to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in agriculture from management processes when measurements are not available. The Cool Farm Tool is widely used by farmers for this purpose. Previously, methods to calculate emissions from crop production have been presented: this paper focuses on the livestock part of the tool. GHG emissions from livestock include enteric methane emissions from ruminants, nitrous oxide and methane emissions from manure management, land use and land-use change, feed production, processing and transport. A case study is presented of 10 large-scale egg producers, who used the Cool Farm Tool over three years to calculate their emissions. The highest GHG emissions were produced through feed, followed by transport and manure management. Through using the tool, the farmers became aware of the sources of emissions in egg production and without targets, took action to reduce emissions. The results show that the averaged GHG emissions decreased over the three years of the study by nearly 25%. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:当无法获得测量值时,将使用模型和工具从管理过程中估算农业中的温室气体排放量。为此,农民广泛使用了凉爽农场工具。以前,已经提出了计算农作物生产中的排放量的方法:本文重点介绍了该工具中的牲畜部分。牲畜的温室气体排放包括反刍动物产生的肠甲烷排放,粪便管理,土地利用和土地利用变化,饲料生产,加工和运输产生的一氧化二氮和甲烷排放。案例研究以10个大型鸡蛋生产商为例,他们在三年内使用Cool Farm Tool来计算其排放量。饲料产生的温室气体排放量最高,其次是运输和粪便管理。通过使用该工具,养殖者意识到鸡蛋生产中的排放源,并且没有目标,因此采取了减少排放的行动。结果表明,在研究的三年中,平均温室气体排放量减少了近25%。 (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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