首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chinese political science >Power Struggle or Strengthening the Party: Perspectives on Xi Jinping's Anticorruption Campaign

Power Struggle or Strengthening the Party: Perspectives on Xi Jinping's Anticorruption Campaign


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This review essay analyzes the literature dealing with Xi Jinping s anticorruption campaign. It identifies two major debates in the literature that see the campaign either as an inner-Party power struggle or as a genuine attempt to deal with the problem of corruption and organizational issues the Party is facing. In a second step, the review essay links these two understandings to larger trends in the understanding of the Chinese Communist Party in the literature. These understandings focus either on elite politics and theories of factionalism or connect to the larger debate on the decline versus resilience of the Party. It concludes that different understandings of Xi's campaign are not mutually exclusive but adopt different points of focus and are rooted in different debates on the Chinese Communist Party.
机译:本次综述论文分析了Xi Jinping S反腐败运动的文献。它识别文学中的两项重大辩论,即作为一个党派权力斗争或作为党面临的腐败问题和组织问题问题的真正尝试。在第二步中,审查文章将这两个了解对文献中中国共产党的理解的更大趋势。这些理解重点关注精英政治和派系主义理论,或连接到党的堕落与党的堕落较大的辩论。它的结论是,XI的运动的不同理解并不是互斥的,而是采用不同的重点点,并植根于中国共产党的不同辩论。




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