首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chinese political science >Conceptualizing the Relationship Between Persuasion and Legitimacy: Official Framing in the Case of the Chinese Communist Party

Conceptualizing the Relationship Between Persuasion and Legitimacy: Official Framing in the Case of the Chinese Communist Party


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In the debate on authoritarian resilience, the importance of persuasion to regime legitimacy has been widely acknowledged, yet a conceptual framework explaining the role of persuasion is still lacking. Against this backdrop, we argue that the framing perspective (Benford and Snow 1988) provides a useful basis for such a framework. Drawing on Beetham's (1991) legitimacy model, we contend that the ruling elites in authoritarian regimes propagate official frames in a continuous effort to reproduce the belief of the populace in the elites' leadership qualities and their determination to serve the common interest. In the empirical part of our paper we look at the case of China, where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has in recent years reemphasized persuasion as a means of reproducing legitimacy. We then apply our theory in an analysis of the conceptual shifts in the CCP's frames and ideology, as propagated under its secretary general, Hu Jintao.
机译:在关于威权弹性的辩论中,说服对政权合法性的重要性已得到广泛承认,但仍然缺乏解释说服作用的概念框架。在这种背景下,我们认为框架视角(Benford and Snow 1988)为这种框架提供了有用的基础。我们以比瑟姆(Beetham,1991)的合法性模型为依据,认为独裁政权中的统治精英不断传播官方框架,以不断努力重现民众对精英领导才能及其为共同利益服务的决心。在本文的实证部分中,我们以中国为例,中国共产党近年来(CCP)再次强调说服力,以此来再现合法性。然后,我们将我们的理论应用于对中共秘书长胡锦涛领导下传播的中共框架和意识形态转变的分析。



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