首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Ecology >Exposure of Lima Bean Leaves to Volatiles from Herbivore-Induced Conspecific Plants Results in Emission of Carnivore Attractants: Active or Passive Process?

Exposure of Lima Bean Leaves to Volatiles from Herbivore-Induced Conspecific Plants Results in Emission of Carnivore Attractants: Active or Passive Process?


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There is increasing evidence that volatiles emitted by herbivore-damaged plants can cause responses in downwind undamaged neighboring plants, such as the attraction of carnivorous enemies of herbivores. One of the open questions is whether this involves an active (production of volatiles) or passive (adsorption of volatiles) response of the uninfested downwind plant. This issue is addressed in the present study. Uninfested lima bean leaves that were exposed to volatiles from conspecific leaves infested with the spider mite Tetranychus urticae, emitted very similar blends of volatiles to those emitted from infested leaves themselves. Treating leaves with a protein-synthesis inhibitor prior to infesting them with spider mites completely suppressed the production of herbivore-induced volatiles in the infested leaves. Conversely, inhibitor treatment to uninfested leaves prior to exposure to volatiles from infested leaves did not affect the emission of volatiles from the exposed, uninfested leaves. This evidence supports the hypothesis that response of the exposed downwind plant is passive. T. urticae-infested leaves that had been previously exposed to volatiles from infested leaves emitted more herbivore-induced volatiles than T. urticae-infested leaves previously exposed to volatiles from uninfested leaves. The former leaves were also more attractive to the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, than the latter. This shows that previous exposure of plants to volatiles from herbivore-infested neighbors results in a stronger response of plants in terms of predator attraction when herbivores damage the plant. This supports the hypothesis that the downwind uninfested plant is actively involved. Both adsorption and production of volatiles can mediate the attraction of carnivorous mites to plants that have been exposed to volatiles from infested neighbors.
机译:越来越多的证据表明,被草食动物破坏的植物释放出的挥发物会在顺风未受损害的邻近植物中引起反应,例如吸引食草动物的食肉性敌人。一个悬而未决的问题是这是否涉及到未受侵袭的顺风电厂的主动(挥发物产生)或被动(挥发物吸附)响应。本研究解决了这个问题。未感染的利马豆叶片暴露于来自被叶螨Tetranychus urticae侵染的同种叶片中的挥发物,所释放的挥发物混合物与感染的叶片本身所释放的挥发物非常相似。在用红叶螨侵染之前用蛋白质合成抑制剂处理叶片完全抑制了被侵染的叶片中草食动物诱导的挥发物的产生。相反,在暴露于未侵染的叶片的挥发物之前,对未侵染的叶片进行抑制剂处理不会影响未暴露的叶片的挥发物的排放。该证据支持以下假设:裸露的顺风电厂的响应是被动的。与以前暴露于未侵染叶片的挥发物的荨麻疹感染的叶片相比,以前暴露于侵染叶片的挥发性物质的荨麻疹感染的叶片释放出更多的食草动物诱导的挥发物。前者的叶片对捕食性螨(Phytoseiulus persimilis)也比后者更具吸引力。这表明,当食草动物损害植物时,先前将植物暴露于食草动物侵染的邻居的挥发物中会导致植物对天敌的吸引更强。这支持了顺风未侵染植物积极参与的假说。挥发物的吸附和产生都可以介导食肉螨对已经受到来自受害邻居的挥发物的植物的吸引。



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