首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cases on Information Technology >Shift Towards Next Generation Networks (NGNs) for Sustainability: Evidence from an Emerging Economy

Shift Towards Next Generation Networks (NGNs) for Sustainability: Evidence from an Emerging Economy


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This paper examined the shift towards the Next Generation Networks (NGNs) like 4G from 2G and the role of technology for sustainable development in the telecommunication sector of Pakistan. WARID was one of the four cellular companies of Pakistan. All the big players in the market had auctioned for 3G/4G licenses but WARID remained distant from the process of spectrum auction. The paper investigated issues and decisions involved when WARID decided to launch 4G/LTE nationwide due to its technology neutral license. It was also studied that how this decision was necessary and beneficial for all internal and external stakeholders of the organization in terms of sustainability, customer satisfaction, technological advancements etc. The study used secondary data as well as unstructured interviews where interaction with the management/employees of the organization was deliberated to stimulate discussions and opinions.
机译:本文研究了从2G向4G之类的下一代网络(NGN)的转变以及技术在巴基斯坦电信行业中对可持续发展的作用。 WARID是巴基斯坦的四家移动电话公司之一。市场上所有大型企业都已拍卖了3G / 4G牌照,但WARID与频谱拍卖的过程仍然相去甚远。本文调查了WARID因其技术中立许可证而决定在全国范围内推出4G / LTE时涉及的问题和决策。还研究了在可持续性,客户满意度,技术进步等方面,该决定对于组织的所有内部和外部利益相关者如何必要和有益。该研究使用了辅助数据以及与管理层/员工互动的非结构化访谈该组织的目的是为了激发讨论和意见。



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