首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Research >Designing teams for speedy product development: The moderating effect of technological complexity

Designing teams for speedy product development: The moderating effect of technological complexity


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Findings from this study suggest that there is no one best team for speedy product development, especially not for projects of varying levels of technological complexity. Based on findings from 183 new product projects, this study indicates that managers tailor development teams to the degree of technological complexity of the project. Results show that technologically complex projects are sped up by development teams with individuals assigned full-time to the project, and working in close proximity. Alternatively, for technologically simple projects, findings suggest that managers assign part-time experienced members to projects, and maintain the same leader and members on the team throughout the development. Functional diversity has an inverted U-shaped relationship with innovation speed for both technologically complex and simple projects. Still, for the first part of the curve, functional diversity has a greater positive impact on the speed of technologically complex products.



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