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Organizational characteristics and the CRM adoption process


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The purpose of this study is to identify the status of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) adoption and explore the influence of organizational characteristics on the CRM adoption process in the Korean fashion industry. Using Rogers' [Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovation. New York: Free Press; 1995] innovation decision process model as the conceptual basis, this study surveyed 94 Korean fashion companies to investigate the persuasion, decision, and implementation stages of CRM adoption. Organizational variables included firm characteristics (size, strategy, maturity of information system), product characteristics (category, fashion position, seasonality), and CEO characteristics (age, education). The most frequently used CRM technology is the development of a customer database, whereas the mostly frequently mentioned benefits of CRM are encouraging repurchase. Moreover, respondents' perceptions of CRM benefits affect CRM adoption, influencing the use of various CRM technologies. Organizational strategy, maturity of information system, and product category all significantly influence the adoption process. Empirical findings provide further support for the innovation decision process model developed by Rogers [Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovation. New York: Free Press; 1995] and the CRM adoption model can be used when fashion companies do strategic planning and evaluate the possibility of adopting CRM strategies.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定客户关系管理(CRM)采用的状态,并探讨组织特征对韩国时尚行业CRM采用过程的影响。使用罗杰斯的[Rogers EM。创新扩散。纽约:自由出版社; [1995年]以创新决策过程模型作为概念基础,本研究对94家韩国时装公司进行了调查,以调查CRM采纳的说服力,决策和实施阶段。组织变量包括公司特征(规模,战略,信息系统的成熟度),产品特征(类别,时尚位置,季节性)和首席执行官特征(年龄,教育程度)。最常用的CRM技术是客户数据库的开发,而CRM中最常提及的好处是鼓励回购。此外,受访者对CRM好处的看法会影响CRM的采用,从而影响各种CRM技术的使用。组织策略,信息系统的成熟度和产品类别都会对采用过程产生重大影响。实证结果为罗杰斯[Rogers EM。开发的创新决策过程模型]提供了进一步的支持。创新扩散。纽约:自由出版社; [1995年]和CRM采用模型可以在时装公司进行战略规划并评估采用CRM战略的可能性时使用。



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