首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >Global Ethics of Collective Internet Governance: Intrinsic Motivation and Open Source Software

Global Ethics of Collective Internet Governance: Intrinsic Motivation and Open Source Software


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The ethical governance of the global Internet is an accelerating global phenomenon. A key paradox of the global Internet is that it allows individual and collective decision making to co-exist with each other. Open source software (OSS) communities are a globally accelerating phenomenon. OSS refers to groups of programs that allow the free use of the software and further the code sharing to the general and corporate users of the software. The combination of private provision and public knowledge and software, and the seeming paradox of economic versus social motivations have stimulated a wide debate between researchers and policymakers. In this article, we analyze OSS communities from the viewpoint of "intrinsic motivation," knowledge creation, and collective Internet governance. We believe that the growth of global OSS has fundamental implications for business ethics and the governance of the global Internet in the twenty-first century.
机译:全球互联网的道德治理是一种加速的全球现象。全球互联网的一个主要悖论是,它允许个人决策和集体决策相互共存。开源软件(OSS)社区是一种全球加速现象。 OSS是指允许自由使用软件并进一步与软件的一般用户和公司用户共享代码的程序组。私人提供,公共知识和软件的结合,以及经济动机与社会动机之间的矛盾,在研究人员和决策者之间引发了广泛的争论。在本文中,我们从“内在动机”,知识创造和集体互联网治理的角度分析了OSS社区。我们认为,全球OSS的增长对二十一世纪的商业道德和全球互联网治理具有根本影响。



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