首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >The Legitimacy of Loan Maturity Mismatching: A Risky, but not Fraudulent, Undertaking

The Legitimacy of Loan Maturity Mismatching: A Risky, but not Fraudulent, Undertaking


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Barnett and Block (Journal of Business Ethics, 2009) attack the heart of modern banking by claiming that the practice of borrowing short and lending long is illicit. While their claim of illegitimacy concerning fractional reserve banking can be defended, their justification lacks substance. Their claim is herein strengthened by a legal analysis of deposits and loans based on Huerta de Soto (Money, Bank Credit and Economic Cycles, 2006). A combined legal and economic analysis shows that while lending deposits can be regarded as illicit, the maturity mismatching of loans is legitimate contrary to Barnett and Block's claim. No over-issuance of property rights is involved with this practice once the distinction between present and future goods is taken into account. However, while the practice is not illicit per se, it is greatly assisted and developed through the presence of a fractional reserve banking system, and can sometimes breed detrimental effects.
机译:Barnett and Block(商业道德杂志,2009年)声称借空做多借贷的做法是非法的,攻击了现代银行业的核心。尽管可以辩护他们关于部分准备金银行的非法性的主张,但其理由缺乏实质性。他们的主张在此得到了基于Huerta de Soto的存款和贷款法律分析的加强(货币,银行信贷和经济周期,2006年)。法律和经济的综合分析表明,尽管贷方存款可被视为非法,但贷款的期限错配是有悖Barnett and Block要求的。一旦考虑了当前商品与未来商品之间的区别,这种做法就不会涉及产权的过度发行。然而,尽管这种做法本身不是非法的,但由于存在少量的储备银行系统,因此得到了很大的帮助和发展,有时会产生不利影响。



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