首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Behavioral Decision Making >High Level of Construal and Psychological Distance Reduce Melioration

High Level of Construal and Psychological Distance Reduce Melioration


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We examined how level of construal and psychological distance affected performance in a task in which value of alternatives depended on frequency of choice. Melioration, a sub-optimal choice strategy that fails to take into account such value changes, has been found to be prevalent and difficult to change. Participants repeatedly chose between two buttons to earn as many coins as possible. Button A earned N coins, button B earned N+ 3 coins, and N was the number of A presses in the last five trials. In this situation, B has a higher immediate payoff, but because choosing A increases the return from both buttons for the next five trials, maximizing A choices is the optimal strategy. We predicted that because a global perspective is needed to appreciate the dependency of value on frequency of choice, frequency of choosing the globally maximizing alternative (A) would increase when participants apply a higher level of construal and assume a more psychologically distal perspective. Study 1 manipulated construal level through segmenting the sequence of trials into segments of different size, with bigger segments representing higher level of construal. In Study 2, participants played a practice game, and we manipulated the probability of playing the actual game. Both a higher level of construal and a lower probability of playing the actual game (higher distance) increased the number of A choices. These results suggest that a broad perspective that is induced by high level of construal or by psychological distancing may reduce sub-optimal, meliorating choice.
机译:我们研究了在选择价值取决于选择频率的任务中,建构距离和心理距离水平如何影响绩效。人们已经发现,改善是一种次优选择策略,它没有考虑到这种价值变化,因此很普遍并且很难改变。参与者反复在两个按钮之间进行选择,以赚取尽可能多的硬币。按钮A获得N个硬币,按钮B获得N + 3个硬币,并且N是最近五次试验中A按下的次数。在这种情况下,B具有较高的即时收益,但是由于选择A会增加下五个试验的两个按钮的收益,因此最大化A的选择是最佳策略。我们预测,由于需要全局的视角来理解价值对选择频率的依赖性,因此,当参与者应用较高的解释水平并采用更心理上的远景时,选择全局最大化的替代方法(A)的频率将会增加。研究1通过将试验序列划分为不同大小的片段来操纵解释级别,较大的部分代表更高的解释级别。在研究2中,参与者玩了一个练习游戏,我们操纵了玩实际游戏的可能性。较高的解释水平和较低的实际游戏机率(较高的距离)增加了A选项的数量。这些结果表明,由高水平的建设或心理疏远引起的广泛观点可能会减少次优的,值得改善的选择。



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