首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Asian earth sciences >~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar ages and petrogenesis of middle Eocene post-collisional volcanic rocks along the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone, NE Turkey

~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar ages and petrogenesis of middle Eocene post-collisional volcanic rocks along the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone, NE Turkey


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The central and northeastern of Turkey were shaped by the transition from collisional to post-collisional tectonics and coeval magmatism during Early Cenozoic. However, the temporal and spatial evolution of the magmatism during the middle Eocene remains elusive. In this paper, we provide petrological, isotopic and radiometric data from two middle Eocene volcano-sedimentary successions, from the northern (Almus) and southern (Yildtzeli) parts of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone, and discuss their generation in the post-collisional setting. Our results indicate that the volcanic units from these regions display similar stratigraphic and petrological evolution during the narrow window of activity (44.4-44.8 Ma), which is constrained by Ar-Ar dating. The lower parts of the volcano-stratigraphic sections contain hawaiite, and trachybasalts that have a mildly alkaline, nepheline-normative character (Vla subseries), together with clinopyroxene-hornblendite xenoliths. The middle portions of the sections contain basaltic andesitic to dacitic lavas that become tholeiitic/calcalkaline in character (Vlb subseries). In the middle to upper parts of the successions, tholeiitic/calc-alkaline basaltic andesite (V2a subseries) and nepheline-normative mildly alkaline basalts (V2b subseries) become dominant, marking the end of the volcanic episode.All of these units display negative high field strength element values, and enriched large-ion lithophile and light rare earth element values, which mimic subduction-related signatures. The Na-rich character, high Ba/Rb and low Rb/Sr ratios, together with FC3MS values (wt.% FeO/CaO-3 * MgO/SiO2), of these series indicate the presence of amphibole and pyroxene minerals in the source area. Also, Dy/Yb values from the most basic suites, Vla and V2b, are supportive of a spinel-bearing source area. Low-degree partial melting (similar to 1-5%) modelling of cumulate clinopyroxene-hornblendite xenoliths in the lava series provided the observed geochemical patterns in our most basic lava samples. Petrological observations indicate that the Vla and Vlb subseries were shaped by fractional crystallization and assimilation-related modifications. In addition, the V2a subseries displays basic magma replenishment, with inversed clinopyroxene cores and mantle/rim transects. The V2b subseries were most likely shaped by fractional crystallization of homogenized basic magma mush.Post-collisional magmatism across the region was therefore generated by thinning of the lithospheric mantle during the middle Eocene.
机译:土耳其的中部和东北部受早期新生代从碰撞构造到碰撞后构造的转变和同代的岩浆作用。然而,中始新世期间岩浆作用的时空演化仍然难以捉摸。在本文中,我们提供了来自伊兹密尔-安卡拉-埃尔津康缝合带北部(阿尔穆斯)和南部(伊尔兹策利)两个始新世中期火山-沉积层序的岩石学,同位素和辐射测量数据,并在后文中讨论了它们的产生。 -碰撞设置。我们的结果表明,在这些活动的狭窄窗口(44.4-44.8 Ma)内,这些地区的火山单元显示出相似的地层学和岩石学演化,这受到Ar-Ar年代的约束。火山地层下部包括具有轻度碱性,霞石-规范性特征(Vla亚系列)的夏威夷岩和曲折玄武岩,以及斜辉石-角闪石异岩。这些部分的中间部分包含玄武质安山岩至大山性熔岩,这些熔岩的性质为变质性/钙碱性(Vlb亚系列)。在演替序列的中上部分,火山岩/钙碱性玄武质安山岩(V2a亚系列)和霞石-规范性轻度碱性玄武岩(V2b亚系列)占主导地位,标志着火山爆发的结束。场强元素值,以及丰富的大离子亲石物质和轻稀土元素值,它们模拟了俯冲相关的信号。这些系列的富钠特征,高Ba / Rb和低Rb / Sr比以及FC3MS值(wt%FeO / CaO-3 * MgO / SiO2)表明源中存在闪石和辉石矿物区域。而且,来自最基本套件Vla和V2b的Dy / Yb值支持尖晶石轴承源区域。熔岩系列中累积的斜辉石-角闪石异种岩的低度部分熔融(类似于1-5%)模拟提供了我们最基本的熔岩样品中观察到的地球化学特征。岩石学观察表明,Vla和Vlb亚系列是通过分步结晶和同化作用相关的修饰而形成的。此外,V2a子系列显示基本的岩浆补给,具有倒斜斜柏环芯和地幔/边缘断面。 V2b子系列很可能是通过均质化的基本岩浆的部分结晶而形成的。因此,该区域的碰撞后岩浆作用是由始新世中期岩石圈地幔变薄产生的。



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