首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Evidence of urban-induced precipitation variability in arid climate regimes

Evidence of urban-induced precipitation variability in arid climate regimes


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The study employs a 108-year precipitation historical data record, global climate observing network observations and satellite data to identify possible anomalies in rainfall in and around two major arid urban areas, Phoenix, Arizona and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The analysis reveals that during the monsoon season, locations in northeastern suburbs and exurbs of the Phoenix metropolitan area have experienced statistically significant increases in mean precipitation of 12-14% from a pre-urban (1895-1949) to post-urban (1950-2003) period. Further analysis of satellite-based rainfall rates suggests the existence of the anomaly region (AR) over a 7-year period. The anomaly cannot simply be attributed to maximum topographic relief and is hypothesized to be related to urban-topographic interactions and possibly irrigation moisture. Temperature records suggest that Riyadh has experienced an adjustment in mean temperature in response to the growth of urban surfaces (e.g. the so-called urban heat island effect). While ground-based precipitation records also indicate an upward trend in mean and total precipitation in and around Riyadh in the last 10-15 years, it is difficult to attribute the increase to urbanization because other less urbanized stations in Saudi Arabia also show a similar increase. Recent satellite-based precipitation estimates indicate an AR 50-100 km north of Riyadh, but this study is not robust enough to conclusively link it to urbanization although certain climate-regime attributes suggests that it might be.
机译:这项研究使用了108年的降水历史数据记录,全球气候观测网络的观测数据和卫星数据,以识别两个主要干旱城市地区(亚利桑那州菲尼克斯和沙特阿拉伯利雅得)及其附近地区降雨的可能异常。分析显示,在季风季节期间,东北郊区和菲尼克斯都会区郊区的位置从城市前(1895-1949)到城市后(1950- 2003年)。对基于卫星的降雨率的进一步分析表明,存在7年的异常区域(AR)。异常不能简单地归因于最大的地形起伏,并且被认为与城市-地形相互作用以及可能的灌溉湿度有关。温度记录表明,利雅得根据城市表面的增长经历了平均温度的调整(例如,所谓的城市热岛效应)。虽然地面降水记录也显示了过去10-15年里雅得及其周边地区的平均降水量和总降水量呈上升趋势,但很难将增长归因于城市化,因为沙特阿拉伯其他城市化程度较低的站点也显示了类似的增长。最近的基于卫星的降水估计表明,在利雅得以北50-100公里处有AR,但这项研究不足以将其与城市化联系起来,尽管某些气候制度的属性可能确实如此。



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