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Rangeland evaluation in the middle Awash valley of Ethiopia: II. Woody vegetation


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Although a few studies have reported an increase of woody plants in the rangelands of Ethiopia during the last few decades, most studies related to the importance of tree canopies have been conducted in lightly grazed areas that have suffered little disturbance. The woody vegetation composition, density, evapotranspiration tree equivalent (ETTE), browse production, browsing capacity and bush encroachment were therefore studied in a part of the Middle Awash Valley of Ethiopia with the objective of determining the condition and contribution of woody vegetation as a source of feed to animals. Accordingly, 7 and 8 rangeland sites in Kereyu-Fantale and Awash-Fantale districts, respectively, were identified. The data collected was analyzed using the Biomass Estimates from Canopy Volume model. The dominant sources of browse and the encroacher woody plants in the study districts were species of Acacia (A. Senegal and A. nubica). In both districts, the browse production ranged from as low as 194-3 311 kg ha~(-1) with most of the leaf dry mass found above the height of 1.5 m. Some of the possible factors contributing to bush encroachment in the study area are heavy grazing pressure, expansion of cultivation and reduced mobility of animals due to many factors.
机译:尽管在过去的几十年中,尽管有一些研究报告说埃塞俄比亚的牧场中木本植物的数量有所增加,但大多数与树冠的重要性有关的研究都是在受到轻微干扰的轻度放牧地区进行的。因此,在埃塞俄比亚中部Awash山谷的一部分研究了木本植物的组成,密度,蒸散树当量(ETTE),浏览量,浏览量和灌木丛侵害,目的是确定木本植被的条件和来源。动物饲料。因此,分别在Kereyu-Fantale和Awash-Fantale地区确定了7个牧场地。使用“树冠体积模型”中的“生物量估计”对收集的数据进行分析。在研究区中,浏览和入侵者木本植物的主要来源是相思树种(塞内加尔和努比亚)。在这两个地区中,浏览产量范围低至194-3 311 kg ha〜(-1),大部分叶片干重都在1.5 m的高度以上。造成研究区域灌木丛入侵的一些可能因素是放牧压力过大,耕种扩大以及由于许多因素而导致动物活动能力降低。



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