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On regression modelling with dummy variables versus separate regressions per group: Comment on Holgersson et al.


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In a recent issue of this journal, Holgersson etal. [Dummy variables vs. category-wise models, J. Appl. Stat. 41(2) (2014), pp. 233-241, doi:10.1080/02664763.2013.838665] compared the use of dummy coding in regression analysis to the use of category-wise models (i.e. estimating separate regression models for each group) with respect to estimating and testing group differences in intercept and in slope. They presented three objections against the use of dummy variables in a single regression equation, which could be overcome by the category-wise approach. In this note, I first comment on each of these three objections and next draw attention to some other issues in comparing these two approaches. This commentary further clarifies the differences and similarities between dummy variable and category-wise approaches.
机译:在该期刊的最新一期中,Holgersson等人。 [虚拟变量与按类别分类的模型,J。Appl。统计41(2)(2014),第233-241页,doi:10.1080 / 02664763.2013.838665]将虚拟编码在回归分析中的使用与类别模型(即,为每个组分别估算回归模型)进行了比较,评估和测试截距和坡度上的组差异。他们提出了三个反对在单个回归方程中使用虚拟变量的反对意见,可以通过按类别的方法来克服。在本说明中,我首先对这三个反对意见进行评论,然后在比较这两种方法时提请注意其他一些问题。该评论进一步阐明了虚拟变量方法和类别方法之间的区别和相似性。



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