首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Phylogeography of the genus Ulva (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta), with special reference to the Japanese freshwater and brackish taxa

Phylogeography of the genus Ulva (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta), with special reference to the Japanese freshwater and brackish taxa


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The nuclear-encoded ITS and associated 5.8S rDNA regions were sequenced for 72 specimens of Ulva collected from 44 rivers across Japan, including U. prolifera Müller from the Shimanto River, Kochi Prefecture, as well as 26 samples originally identified as U. linza L. from 20 coastal marine areas. Sequence data revealed that the samples fall into six distinct clades: the U. flexuosa Wulfen clade (2 samples), the Ulva linza-procera-prolifera (LPP) complex clade (75 samples), Ulva sp. 1 clade (3 samples), Ulva sp. 2 clade (7 samples), Ulva sp. 3 clade (4 samples) and Ulva sp. 4 clade (7 samples). The LPP complex contained a mixture of 26 samples collected from seashores and 49 samples obtained from rivers, including U. prolifera from the Shimanto River, and GenBank data for U. linza and U. procera Ahlner. The samples of the LPP complex differed by only 0–7 substitutions (0–1.149%). Subsequent phylogeographic analyses of the LPP complex based on the 5S rDNA spacer region revealed the presence of two further groupings: a group including 22 strictly marine littoral U. linza samples and a U. prolifera group composed of a mixture of 4 marine samples and all 49 river samples. The monophyly of all river samples indicates that adaptation to low salinity might have occurred only once in the evolutionary history of the LPP complex.
机译:核编码的ITS和相关的5.8S rDNA区域的序列是从日本44条河流中收集的72个Ulva标本进行测序的,其中包括来自高知县四万十河的proliferaMüller以及最初鉴定为U. linza L的26个样品。来自20个沿海海洋地区。序列数据显示,样本分为六个不同的进化枝:U。flexuosa Wulfen进化枝(2个样本),Ulva linza-procera-prolifera(LPP)复杂进化枝(75个样本),Ulva sp.。 1个进化枝(3个样本),Ulva sp。 2个进化枝(7个样本),Ulva sp。 3个进化枝(4个样本)和Ulva sp。 4个分支(7个样本)。 LPP复合物包含从海岸采集的26个样品和从河流中采集的49个样品的混合物,其中包括从Shimanto河采集的U. prolifera,以及U. linza和U. procera Ahlner的GenBank数据。 LPP复合物的样品之间仅相差0–7个取代(0–1.149%)。随后的基于5S rDNA间隔区的LPP复合物的系统色谱分析表明,存在另外两个分组:一个分组包括22个严格的海洋滨海U. linza样本和一个由4个海洋样本和所有49个样本组成的U. prolifera组河流样本。所有河流样本的单方面资料表明,对低盐度的适应可能仅在LPP复合体的演化历史中发生过一次。



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