首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Toxicity of cadmium and zinc on two microalgae, Scenedesmus obliquus and Desmodesmus pleiomorphus, from Northern Portugal

Toxicity of cadmium and zinc on two microalgae, Scenedesmus obliquus and Desmodesmus pleiomorphus, from Northern Portugal


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Aquatic environments often contain toxic heavy metals that may enter the food web via uptake by microalgae and eventually cause severe poisoning problems at higher trophic levels. The effects of Cd and Zn cations upon growth of two native green microalgal species, Scenedesmus obliquus and Desmodesmus pleiomorphus (previously isolated from a polluted site in Northern Portugal), were accordingly evaluated. Growth inhibition of the microalgal cells was determined following exposure for 96 h to several initial concentrations of aqueous solutions of either of those two metals. At the higher end of Cd and Zn experimental concentration ranges, a significant reduction in cell density was observed in the cultures; EC50 values, calculated after fitting a Weibull model to the experimental data, were 0.058 and 1.92 mg L−1 for Cd and 16.99 and 4.87 mg L−1 for Zn in the case of S. obliquus and D. pleiomorphus, respectively. One observed that S. obliquus can tolerate higher Zn concentrations than D. pleiomorphus, but the reverse holds regarding exposure to Cd.
机译:水生环境通常含有有毒的重金属,可能通过微藻类的吸收进入食物网,并最终在较高的营养水平下引起严重的中毒问题。相应地评估了Cd和Zn阳离子对两种天然绿色微藻物种(斜生场景藻和Desmodesmus pleiomorphus)的生长的影响(先前是从葡萄牙北部一个受污染的地方分离出来的)。在暴露于这两种金属中任何一种的几种初始浓度的水溶液中96小时后,确定了对微藻细胞的生长抑制作用。在Cd和Zn实验浓度范围的较高端,在培养物中观察到细胞密度的显着降低。将Weibull模型拟合到实验数据后,得出的EC 50 值分别为Cd的0.058和1.92 mg L -1 ,以及Cd的16.99和4.87 mg L -1 分别表示斜角链霉菌和多形藻D. Zn。有人观察到斜生链球菌比多形隐孢子虫能忍受更高的锌浓度,但与镉接触却相反。



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