首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Phycology >Hybridity of carrageenans water- and alkali-extracted from Chondracanthus chamissoi, Mazzaella laminarioides, Sarcothalia crispata, and Sarcothalia radula

Hybridity of carrageenans water- and alkali-extracted from Chondracanthus chamissoi, Mazzaella laminarioides, Sarcothalia crispata, and Sarcothalia radula

机译:水和碱提取的角叉菜胶的杂种,分别来自Chondracanthus chamissoi,Mazzaella laminarioides,Sarcothalia crispata和Sarcothalia radula

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Carrageenans water- and alkali-extracted from Chondracanthus chamissoi, Mazzaella laminarioides, Sarcothalia crispata, and Sarcothalia radula were degraded by Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora κ-carrageenase and Alteromonas fortis ι-carrageenase. The composition of the high molecular weight fraction (i.e., enzyme-resistant fraction) as well as the standard and hybrid oligosaccharide content highlighted differences between the species-specific carrageenans in terms of composition and distribution of the carrabiose moieties. Inspection of the distribution of μ- and ν-carrabiose, the biosynthetic precursors of κ- and ι-carrabiose, revealed their localization in κ-carrabiose- or ι-carrabiose-rich segments, respectively.
机译:假单孢变单胞菌卡拉胶假单胞菌κ-卡拉胶酶和福寿链霉菌α-角叉菜胶酶降解了从软骨猪笼草,Mazzaella laminarioides,Sarcothalia crispata和Sarcothalia radula中提取的角叉菜胶。高分子量级分(即耐酶性级分)的组成以及标准寡糖和杂合寡糖的含量突出了物种特异性角叉菜胶之间的区别,即角叉菜部分的组成和分布。对μ-和v-氨基甲糖的分布进行检查,它们是κ-和α-氨基甲糖的生物合成前体,分别显示它们位于富含κ-氨基甲糖或γ-氨基甲糖的区段中。



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