首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Optimizing use of distillers grains in finishing diets containing steam-flaked corn1

Optimizing use of distillers grains in finishing diets containing steam-flaked corn1


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Two hundred ninety-nine crossbred yearling steers (363 ± 15 kg initial BW) were fed for an average of 114 d in a finishing study comparing 7 diets in which steam-flaked corn was used as the principal energy source. Forty-nine pens were used in this study with 7 BW blocks, 7 pens per treatment, and 5 to 7 steers per pen. A control diet with no distillers grains with solubles (DGS) was compared with 6 diets containing 15% DGS (DM basis). The diets contained wet sorghum DGS with 0 or 6% alfalfa hay, dried sorghum DGS with 0 or 6% alfalfa hay, wet corn DGS with 6% alfalfa hay, or dried corn DGS with 6% alfalfa hay. Apparent total tract digestibilities were calculated by total collection of fecal material from the concrete-surfaced pens over a 72-h period. Dry matter intake, ADG, G:F. and carcass characteristics were similar (P ≥ 0.18) for steers fed finishing diets with or without 15% DGS. However, apparent total tract digestibilities of DM and OM were 2.8% less (P ≤ 0.03) for finishing diets containing 15% DGS (DM basis). Dry matter intake, ADG, G:F, apparent total tract digestibility, and carcass characteristics were not different (P ≥ 0.09) for steers fed finishing diets containing sorghum or corn DGS. Dry matter intake, ADG, G:F, apparent total tract digestibility, and carcass characteristics also were not different (P ≥ 0.10) for steers fed finishing diets containing wet or dried DGS. Steers fed sorghum DGS with 6% hay consumed more DM (P < 0.01) and gained more BW (P 0.78). Sorghurn DGS diets containing alfalfa hay were 4% less (P = 0.01) digestible than sorghum DGS diets containing no hay. Carcasses of steers fed sorghum DGS diets without hay were lighter, leaner, and had decreased USDA yield grades (P = 0.01) compared with steers fed sorghum DGS diets containing hay. Feeding moderate levels (i.e.. 15%, DM basis) of DGS resulted in growth performance and carcass characteristics similar to those of cattle fed no DGS. In addition, sorghum- and corn-based DGS had similar feeding values, and wet ([asymptotically =]31% DM) and dried ([asymptotically =]91% DM) DGS also had similar feeding values. Complete removal of alfalfa hay in diets containing DGS improved diet digestibility but reduced growth performance and carcass finish. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:在一项整理研究中,比较了以玉米片为主要能源的7种日粮,对299头杂交一岁year牛(初始体重为363±15千克)进行了平均114天的饲喂。在这项研究中使用了49支钢笔,每支有7个BW块,每个处理7支钢笔,每支钢笔5到7牛。将不含可溶物的酒糟的对照饮食(DGS)与含15%DGS(以DM为基准)的6种饮食进行比较。这些日粮包含湿高粱DGS和0或6%的苜蓿干草,干高粱DGS和0或6%的苜蓿干草,湿玉米DGS和6%苜蓿干草或玉米干DGS和6%苜蓿干草。通过在72小时的时间内从混凝土表面的围栏中收集粪便中的物质来计算表观总消化率。干物质摄入量,ADG,G:F。饲喂含或不含15%DGS的育成日粮的ste牛的car体和car体特性相似(P≥0.18)。然而,对于含15%DGS(以DM为基准)的日粮,DM和OM的表观总消化率要低2.8%(P≤0.03)。饲喂含高粱或玉米DGS的日粮的干ers牛的干物质摄入量,ADG,G:F,表观总道消化率和car体特性无差异(P≥0.09)。饲喂含有干或干DGS的育成日粮的ste牛皮的干物质摄入量,ADG,G:F,表观总道消化率和car体特性也没有差异(P≥0.10)。用6%的干草饲喂高粱DGS的ers牛消耗更多的DM(P <0.01)和增加的BW(P 0.78)。含苜蓿干草的高粱DGS日粮比不含干草的高粱DGS日粮消化率低4%(P = 0.01)。与饲喂干草的高粱DGS日粮相比,饲喂无干草的高粱DGS日粮的ste牛尸体更轻,更瘦,USDA的收成等级降低(P = 0.01)。饲喂中等水平(即以DM为基准的15%)的DGS,其生长性能和car体特性与未饲喂DGS的牛相似。此外,基于高粱和玉米的DGS具有相似的饲喂值,而湿的([渐近== 31%DM]和干燥的(渐进== 91%DM)DGS也具有相似的饲喂值。在含DGS的日粮中完全清除苜蓿草粉可改善日粮的消化率,但会降低生长性能和car体光洁度。 [出版物摘要]



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