首页> 外文期刊>Journal of African earth sciences >Evaluation of source rock potential and hydrocarbon composition of oil sand and associated clay deposits from the Eastern Dahomey Basin, Nigeria

Evaluation of source rock potential and hydrocarbon composition of oil sand and associated clay deposits from the Eastern Dahomey Basin, Nigeria


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Oil sands are classified as unconventional hydrocarbon plays and are being exploited to augment global energy needs. Nigeria has the largest conventional oil industry in Africa, but is also endowed with abundant oil sand deposits found within the Afowo Formation of the Eastern Dahomey Basin. In this study, outcrop samples of clay, oil sand, and bitumen seepage from a forestry reserve (J4) in Ogun State, South Western Nigeria were evaluated for organic matter maturity and hydrocarbon composition. Pyrolysis results for the clay indicate that the total organic carbon ranges from 5.95 to 18.46 wt % with a maturation temperature (Tmax) within the range of 417-426 degrees C. A complementary gas chromatography (GC) analysis of the free hydrocarbons in the clay reveals that both light and heavy hydrocarbon components are present. In contrast, oil sand and bitumen contain mostly heavy end hydrocarbon components with hydrocarbon chains C6-C12 missing, confirming oil biodegradation. This study demonstrates that these oil sands and clays represent viable exploration targets. With vast oil sand deposits in the Eastern Dahomey Basin, exploration and exploitation of this resource will open new frontiers to increase Nigeria's hydrocarbon production.
机译:油砂被归类为非常规碳氢化合物,并且正在被开采以增加全球能源需求。尼日利亚是非洲最大的常规石油工业,但在东达荷美盆地的Afowo组内也发现了丰富的油砂矿床。在这项研究中,对尼日利亚西南部奥贡州的一个森林保护区(J4)的粘土,油砂和沥青露头露头样品进行了有机物成熟度和碳氢化合物组成的评估。粘土的热解结果表明,总有机碳的范围为5.95至18.46 wt%,成熟温度(Tmax)在417-426摄氏度的范围内。互补气相色谱(GC)分析粘土中的游离烃揭示了轻烃和重烃成分均存在。相反,油砂和沥青主要包含重质末端碳氢化合物,而碳氢化合物链C6-C12缺失,这证实了石油的生物降解作用。这项研究表明,这些油砂和粘土代表了可行的勘探目标。东达荷美盆地东部有大量油砂矿床,对该资源的勘探和开发将为增加尼日利亚的碳氢化合物生产开辟新的领域。



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