首页> 外文期刊>Journal of African Earth Sciences >Sedimentology of granite boulder conglomerates and associated clastics in the onshore section of the late Mesozoic Pletmos Basin (Western Cape, South Africa)

Sedimentology of granite boulder conglomerates and associated clastics in the onshore section of the late Mesozoic Pletmos Basin (Western Cape, South Africa)


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Along the southern margin of South Africa, intermountain rift successions, which comprise unusually large, rounded granite boulders and other coarse clastics, reveal an important geological history about the mid-Mesozoic extensional tectonics that lead to the break-up of Gondwana. These strata, mapped as part of the Mid to Upper Jurassic Enon Formation, allow the assessment of the nature, intensity and mode of sediment transport in onshore section of the Pletmos Basin, which is one of the late Mesozoic basins in southern Africa. Based on sedimentary facies analysis, palaeocurrent measurements and semi quantitative palaeohydraulic calculations, the results suggest that the abundant coarse sediment was deposited by debris-flows and stream-flow floods on a proximal alluvial fan with high gradient alluvial channels. The floods were intense with mean flow velocity of similar to 6 m(3)/s and peak discharge of similar to 450 m(3)/s. While the role of climate in the sedimentation dynamics remains unknown, syn-sedimentary rift tectonics were likely significant and caused, north of the major boundary fault, the unroofing and denudation of the uplifted mountainous source areas, including the Late Ediacaran-Cambrian Maalgaten Granite Suite and the Siluro-Ordovician Table Mountain Group (Cape Supergroup). (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:沿着南非的南部边缘,山间裂谷演替活动包括异常大的圆形花岗岩巨石和其他粗碎屑,揭示了有关中生代伸展构造的重要地质历史,导致冈瓦纳解体。这些地层被绘制为侏罗纪中上侏罗统Enon组的一部分,可以评估Pletmos盆地陆上部分的沉积物的性质,强度和模式,该地区是南部非洲中晚期的盆地之一。基于沉积相分析,古流变测量和半定量古水力计算,结果表明,泥石流和水流洪水将大量的粗大沉积物沉积在高梯度冲积河道的近冲积扇上。洪水非常猛烈,平均流速接近6 m(3)/ s,峰值流量接近450 m(3)/ s。尽管气候在沉积动力学中的作用仍是未知的,但在主要边界断层以北,隆起的山区源区的顶棚和剥蚀,包括晚埃迪亚卡拉-寒武纪的玛拉盖特花岗岩套件,可能是重要的并引起同沉积的裂谷构造。和Siluro-Ordovician桌山群(Cape Supergroup)。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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