首页> 外文期刊>Journal of African Earth Sciences >Paleodepositional environment and age of Kanawa Member of Pindiga Formation, Gongola Sub-basin, Northern Benue Trough, NE Nigeria: Sedimentological and palynological approach

Paleodepositional environment and age of Kanawa Member of Pindiga Formation, Gongola Sub-basin, Northern Benue Trough, NE Nigeria: Sedimentological and palynological approach


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Sedimentogical and palynological investigations of the Kanawa Member of Pindiga Formation in the Gongola Sub-basin, Northern Benue Trough, NE Nigeria were carried out in order to determine the paleoenvironment and age of the sediments. Three main lithofacies were identified from the measured sedimentary log section, namely; the wave rippled sandstones, the limestones (with ammonites, bivalves and gastropods) and the clay-shale. The facies were interpreted to have been deposited in a marine environment. Based on palynological studies, Kanawa Member consists of two palynozones, namely; Cretacaeiporites scabratus and Triorites africaensis. The Triorites africaensis zone is characterized by species of T. africaensis, Gnetaceaepollenites sp. 1, Cretacaeiporites polygonalis, Monosulcites sp., Cretacaeiporites scabratus, Elaterocolpites castelainii and is dated Late Cenomanian whilst the Cretacaeiporites scabratus zone is characterized by the dominance of C. scabratus, C mulleri and Tricolporopollenites sp and is dated Early Turonian. The Kanawa Member is therefore, dated Late Cenomanian to early Turonian. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:为了确定古环境和沉积物的年龄,对尼日利亚东北部贝努特海槽的贡戈拉次盆地的Pindiga组的卡纳瓦成员进行了沉积学和孢粉学研究。从测得的沉积测井剖面中确定了三个主要岩相:波浪在砂岩,石灰岩(含炸药,双壳类和腹足纲动物)和泥页岩中形成波纹。相被解释为沉积在海洋环境中。根据孢粉学研究,Kanawa成员由两个palynozones组成: Cretacaeiporites scabratus和非洲Triorites。非洲的Triorites非洲地区的特征是非洲T.非洲种Gnetaceaepollenites sp。 1,Cretacaeiporites多边形,Monosulcites sp。,Cretacaeiporites scabratus,Elaterocolpites castelainii,年代为晚塞诺曼尼亚时期,而Cretacaeiporites scabratus带的特征是C. scabratus,C mulleri和Tricolporopollenon sp。因此,Kanawa成员的历史可追溯到晚塞诺曼尼亚时期到早期土伦时期。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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