首页> 外文期刊>Journal of African earth sciences >Upper Triassic mafic dykes of Lake Nyos, Cameroon (West Africa) I: K-Ar age evidence within the context of Cameroon Line magmatism, and the tectonic significance

Upper Triassic mafic dykes of Lake Nyos, Cameroon (West Africa) I: K-Ar age evidence within the context of Cameroon Line magmatism, and the tectonic significance


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The hydrodynamic fragmentation that formed Lake Nyos in northwest Cameroon did not only make it the most unpopular lake in the world from a gas disaster perspective, it also opened a rare and formidable window through which much of the geology of Cameroon can be studied in a single locality. The Cambrian quartz monzonite cliff excavated by the maar-forming explosion and exposed in its northeastern shore is intruded by mafic dykes, two of which we dated. Even though close to one another, the dykes are different in composition. The alkaline dyke yields a slightly older (Carnian) K-Ar fedspar age of 231.1 +/- 4.8 Ma, while the sub alkaline dyke yields an age of 224.8 +/- 4.7 Ma (Norian). Based on radioisotopic age data available over the last 48 years (347 data) for the Cameroon Line magmatism comprising eruptives and volcano-plutonic complexes, the Nyos dykes are way older than the Cameroon Line, and even pre-date the Lower Cretaceous initiation of west Gondwana fragmentation in Equatorial Atlantic domain. They would therefore not have been directly linked to the formation of the Cameroon Line. Alternatively, they might be associated with the development of intra-continental rift systems in West Central Africa that pre-dated west Gondwana breakup to form the Atlantic Ocean. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:喀麦隆西北部形成尼奥斯湖的水力破碎不仅使它成为瓦斯灾害中世界上最受欢迎的湖泊,而且还打开了一个罕见而强大的窗口,通过它可以对喀麦隆的大部分地质情况进行一次研究。位置。寒武纪爆炸造成的寒武纪石英独石岩壁暴露在东北海岸,并被镁铁岩岩浆侵入,其中两个我们已经过时。即使彼此接近,堤坝的组成也不同。碱性堤坝的年龄稍大一些(卡尼安)K-Ar补石年龄为231.1 +/- 4.8 Ma,而亚碱性堤坝的年龄为224.8 +/- 4.7 Ma(诺里安)。根据过去48年间喀麦隆线岩浆作用包括喷发物和火山-火山岩复合体的放射性同位素年龄数据(347个数据),Nyos岩的年龄比喀麦隆线还早,甚至早于西下白垩统开始。赤道大西洋地区的冈瓦纳碎裂。因此,它们不会与喀麦隆线的形成直接相关。或者,它们可能与中西部非洲大陆内部裂谷系统的发展有关,该系统早于冈瓦纳西部破裂形成大西洋。 (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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