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Editorial: Recent advances in traffic control and management


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This special issue "Recent Advances in Traffic Control and Management" is organized based on selected papers presented at the Second International Conference on Transport and Logistics Systems held on the 21St and 22nd of August 2006 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Traffic control and management play an important role for managing the transportation system in a sustainable manner. Continual rise in fuel prices and growing environmental concerns all over the world has created renewed interest in traffic control and management. Indeed, given their importance, great strides have been made in modeling various aspects of traffic control and management, ranging from evaluating their impacts on the system performance under over-saturated traffic and stochastic loading to including the combined effect of traffic assignment and traffic control. In this special issue, we also include a contribution on air traffic control. Similarly, given the prominence of this topic, especially on aviation safety, it remains an active research topic. It is timely to take inventory of what we have so far and to preview what lies ahead. Five papers are collected in this special issue, as summarized below.



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