首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science >Treatment of 49 Cases of Restless Legs Syndrome by Acupuncture plus Acupoint Injection

Treatment of 49 Cases of Restless Legs Syndrome by Acupuncture plus Acupoint Injection


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Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy was used to treat 49 cases of restless legs syndrome. Yanglingquan (GB 34), Jinggu(BL 64), Chengshan (BL 57), Chengjin (BL 56) and Shangqiu (SP 5) were the main acupoints; Ganshu (BL 18), Shenshu (BL 23) and Taixi ( KI 3) were matched to the type of deficiency of liver and kidney yin; Xuehai (SP 10) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) were matched to the type of cold-dampness entering interior. Chengshan (BL 57) and Chengjin (BL 56) were needled. After the arrival of qi, warm needling was done. Bilateral Chengshan (BL 57) were injected with complex prescription Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae injection. The clinical symptoms of 41 cases disappeared totally, the clinical symptoms of 7 cases disappeared and the clinical symptoms of 1 case disappeared partly.
机译:针灸疗法治疗49例腿部躁动综合征。主要穴位为杨凌泉(GB 34),景谷(BL 64),城山(BL 57),城津(BL 56)和商丘(SP 5)。肝俞(BL 18),肾俞(BL 23)和太溪(KI 3)与肝肾阴虚的类型相匹配。雪海(SP 10)和三阴交(SP 6)与进入室内的冷湿气类型相匹配。针刺成山(BL 57)和成津(BL 56)。气到后,进行了温暖的针刺。双侧成山(BL 57)注射复方丹参注射液。临床症状全部消失41例,临床症状消失7例,部分症状消失1例。



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